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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 72 Topic Set

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User Guide

Installing the Switch

Administering the Switch

Servicing the Switch


Understanding the Commands

Understanding Hardware Commands

checkboot Command

checkpower Command

checkvoltages Command

connector Command

disablesm Command

disableswitchport Command

enablesm Command

enableswitchport Command

env_test Command

getfanspeed Command

getportstatus Command

i4reset Command

listlinkup Command

managementreset Command

nm2version Command

readchfru Command

setlinkspeed Command

setsmpriority Command

showtemps Command

showunhealthy Command

Understanding InfiniBand Commands

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

opensm Command

opensmd Daemon

osmtest Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

sminfo Command

smpdump Command

smpquery Command


enablesm Command

Enables the Subnet Manager within the management controller.




This hardware command enables the OpenSM opensmd daemon on the management controller.

Note - Similarly, both the enablesm and opensm commands invoke an instance of the same Subnet Manager. Conversely, the enablesm command merely starts the Subnet Manager while the opensm command can configure the Subnet Manager.

Like the OpenSM Subnet Manager discussed in opensm Command, the enablesm command initiates an instance of the opensmd daemon. The daemon reads the /etc/opensm/opensm.conf configuration file upon startup, which it uses to configure the OpenSM Subnet Manager. The enablesm command is more user-friendly because it is not necessary to provide command-line options and arguments.


The following example shows how to enable the opensmd daemon with the enablesm command.

# enablesm
Starting IB Subnet Manager.                                [  OK  ]
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