Sun Java System Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Migrating Users From Windows NT to Active Directory

This section explains how to migrate users between Windows domains, which involves the following:

Example Bank wants to migrate users each week from Windows NT to Active Directory based on each user's last name. Example Bank has already migrated users whose last name starts with A-F.

After the accounts have been migrated to Active Directory, changes made to migrated users in Directory Server or Active Directory will not be synchronized:

To establish links between the migrated Active Directory accounts and the Directory Server entries, the links are removed from the migrated Windows NT accounts. Then, the Active Directory accounts are linked to their corresponding Directory Server entries.

Note –

To avoid losing too many changes, perform the full migration when the load on Directory Server is light. The idsync resync command can be run to recover any changes except changes to the passwords.

In this scenario, the users are moved from a Windows NT domain to an Active Directory domain, but the same procedure can be followed when moving users are between Windows NT domains or Active Directory domains.

Unlinking Migrated Windows NT Entries

To unlink migrated users, the dspswuserlink attribute is removed from each Directory Server entry that is affected. The following sample script can be used to remove this attribute from a large number of users. The script accepts ldapsearch arguments for the users that should be unlinked.

#! /usr/bin/perl
# This script is used to break the link between Directory Server
# entries and the corresponding Windows entries.  Provide
# complete ldapsearch arguments for the users to unlink.
# If many users are unlinked, use -D "cn=Directory Manager" to
# avoid search results limits imposed by the directory server.
# ldapsearch and ldapmodify must be in the path, and the
# current directory must be writable.
# Modify these variables to point to the ldapsearch and
# ldapmodify commands that ship with the Sun Directory Server.
# The versions that ship with Solaris will not work in this script.
die "Edit this script to modify these variables and then remove this
my $LDAPSEARCH_EXE = "/opt/mps/serverroot/shared/bin/ldapsearch";
my $LDAPMODIFY_EXE = "/opt/mps/serverroot/shared/bin/ldapmodify";
my $USAGE = "Usage: <ldapsearch args for users to unlink\>\\n";
# Valid ldapsearch options that don’t apply to ldapmodify
my %INVALID_LDAPMODIFY_OPTS = ("-b" =\> 1, "-s" =\> 1);
# Valid ldapsearch options that have arguments and don’t apply
# to ldapmodify
my %INVALID_LDAPMODIFY_OPTS_WITH_ARG = ("-b" =\> 1, "-s" =\> 1);
# The file name for the file to hold the unlink ldif
my $UNLINK_LDIF_FILE = "unlink.ldif";
scalar(@ARGV) \> 0 or die "$USAGE";
# Run ldapsearch to find the users to unlink.
my $ldapsearchArgs = getLdapsearchArgs(@ARGV);
my $ldapsearchCmd = "$LDAPSEARCH_EXE $ldapsearchArgs";
my $matchedUsersLdif = ”$ldapsearchCmd”;
lastCommandSucceeded() or die "Failed when running “. “$ldapsearchCmd.\\n$USAGE";
# Construct ldif to unlink each matched user.
my @userDns = parseDnsFromLdif($matchedUsersLdif);
print "Matched ".scalar(@userDns)." linked entries.\\n";
my $unlinkLdif = constructUnlinkLdif(@userDns); my $fileName =
# Run ldapmodify to unlink the users.
my $ldapmodifyArgs = getLdapmodifyArgs($fileName, @ARGV);
my $ldapmodifyCmd = "$LDAPMODIFY_EXE $ldapmodifyArgs";
print "Unlinked ".scalar(@userDns)." entries.\\n";
lastCommandSucceeded() or die "Failed when running “.  “$ldapmodifyCmd.\\n$USAGE";
exit 0;
# Return true iff the last command succeeded.
sub lastCommandSucceeded {
    return ($? \>\> 8) == 0;
# Return the dns in the ldif.
sub parseDnsFromLdif { my $ldif = shift @_; my @dns = ();
# Note that DNs can span multiple lines.
while ($ldif =~ /(^dn:.*(\\n^[ ]+\\S+.*)*)/gmi) {
push @dns, $1;
return @dns;
# Return ldif for all users to unlink
sub constructUnlinkLdif {
    my $ldif = "";
    for my $dn (@_) {
        $ldif .=
            "$dn\\n" .
            "changetype: modify\\n" .
            "replace: dspswuserlink\\n" .
            "-\\n" .
    return $ldif;
# Writes ldif to a file and returns the name of the file.
sub writeLdifToFile {
    my $ldif = shift @_;
    open(LDIF, "\>$UNLINK_LDIF_FILE") or
         die "Could not open $UNLINK_LDIF_FILE for writing.\\n";
    print LDIF $ldif;
    return $UNLINK_LDIF_FILE;
# Return the arguments to use for ldapsearch as a single string
sub getLdapsearchArgs {
# Always use -L because Solaris’s ldapsearch doesn’t
# return ldif by default.
my $ldapsearchArgs = "";
# Modify the last argument to include the search filter
    my $lastIndex = $#_;
    $_[$lastIndex] = getLinkedSearchFilter($_[$lastIndex]);
    for my $arg (@_) {
        $ldapsearchArgs .= " '$arg'";
    return $ldapsearchArgs;
# Construct an ldapfilter that only matches linked users.
sub getLinkedSearchFilter {
    my $filter = shift @_;
    if (!($filter =~ /^</)) {
        $filter = "($filter)";
    return "(&(dspswuserlink=*)$filter)";
# Return the arguments to use for ldapmodify as a single string.
sub getLdapmodifyArgs {
    my $ldifFile = shift @_;
    my $ldapmodifyArgs = "-f '$ldifFile'";
    my $prevArg = "";
    # Iterate through all args, skipping ones that don’t
    # apply and the last one.
    for my $i (0..($#_ - 1)) {
        my $arg = $_[$i];
        if (!$INVALID_LDAPMODIFY_OPTS{$arg} &&
            !$INVALID_LDAPMODIFY_OPTS_WITH_ARG{$prevArg}) {
            $ldapmodifyArgs .= " '$arg'";
        $prevArg = $arg;
    return $ldapmodifyArgs;

The next batch of Example Bank users to be migrated from Windows NT to Active Directory have a last name that starts with the letter G. After these users have been migrated, the following script is executed to unlink these entries in Directory Server.

bash-2.05# ./ -h 
-b "dc=eb,dc=com" -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
-w <omitted password\> "(sn=G*)"
Matched 1346 linked entries.
Unlinked 1346 entries.

In this example, 1346 entries were migrated and thus unlinked. The Directory Manager dn is provided to avoid search results limits in the Directory Server. If other accounts are used, make sure that their search capabilities are not limited, to avoid unlinking only subsets of users.

Linking Migrated Active Directory Entries

After the links in the Directory Server entries are removed, new links are established with the Active Directory entries by using the idsync resync command. Use the -a option with the (sn=G*) filter to link only the users that have been migrated.

According to Microsoft’s documentation, user passwords will be migrated when users are moved from Windows NT to Active Directory. However, if users change their passwords in Active Directory before they are relinked to the Directory Server entries, these password changes will not be synchronized to the Directory Server.

You can use the -i NEW_LINKED_USERS option with the idsync resync command to synchronize Directory Server passwords with their Active Directory values.

Note –

If any of the users’ passwords are modified in Directory Server during the migration process, these password changes will be lost.

bash-2.05# ./idsync resync -w <omitted password\> 
-q <omitted password\> -f linkusers-ad-only.cfg 
-i NEW_LINKED_USERS -a "(sn=G*)"
Validating and starting refresh operation ’1098238348483’.
Hit CTRL+C to cancel.
User progress:
# Entries sent: 1346
# Entries successfully linked: 1346
# Entries that were modified: 1346

Moving Users Between Active Directory Organizational Units

When a user is moved from one Active Directory container to another (for example, from ou=west to ou=east), no action needs to be taken for this user to continue to be synchronized by Identity Synchronization for Windows.

When Contractors Become Full-Time Employees

When a contractor becomes a full-time employee, the special c- prefix is removed from the person's login name. The new full-time employee is now in SUL for the first time, and the entry will be interpreted as being new even though it was not recently created. If the contractor has an Active Directory entry that is modified, Identity Synchronization for Windows will attempt to create the entry in Directory Server.

The following table provides the guidelines for handling contractor accounts when they become full-time employees.

Table 2–3 Guidelines for Transitioning Contractor to Employee Accounts

Active Directory Account 

Directory Server Account 

Creating Linked Entries in Active Directory and Directory Server 

No account 

No account 

This kind of situation should not occur because contractors have either an Active Directory or Directory Server account. If it does occur, create a new entry in Active Directory, and Identity Synchronization for Windows automatically creates a new user in Directory Server. 

No account 


  1. Remove the c- prefix from the Directory Server entry’s uid.

  2. Create a new entry in Active Directory for the new full-time employee.

  3. Run idsync resync to establish a link for the new full-time employee. Use the -a option to limit the scope of the resync command to a single user.

If a contractor's Directory Server entry is not important, do the following: 

  1. Delete the Directory Server entry for the contractor, if there is one.

  2. Create a new entry in Active Directory.

  3. Identity Synchronization for Windows will create the corresponding new user in Directory Server.


No account 

Remove the c- prefix from the Active Directory entry’s samaccountname.

Identity Synchronization for Windows will interpret the change as a new user and create the corresponding new user in Directory Server. 



  1. Remove the c- prefix from the Directory Server entry’s uid.

  2. Remove the c- prefix from the Active Directory entry’s uid.

    Note –

    If this entry is modified before the Directory Server entry, the contractor will have two Directory Server accounts (the original one and a new one with a uid without the c- prefix)

  3. Run idsync resync to establish a link for the new full-time employee. Use the -a option to limit the scope of the resync command to a single user.

    If a contractor's Directory Server entry is not important, do the following:

  1. Delete the Directory Server entry for the contractor, if there is one.

  2. Remove the -c prefix from the Active Directory entry’s samaccountname.

  3. Identity Synchronization for Windows will create the corresponding new user in Directory Server.