Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

PTA Plug-In and DSCC

The PTA plug-in is also used by DSCC for private communication with the server. When a server instance is registered in DSCC, the PTA plug-in is enabled and the DSCC URL is added as an argument.

$ dsconf get-plugin-prop -h host -p port "Pass Through Authentication"

argument          :  ldap://dscc_host:3998/cn=dscc
depends-on-named  :
depends-on-type   :
desc              :  pass through authentication plugin
enabled           :  on
feature           :  passthruauth
init-func         :  passthruauth_init
lib-path          :  install-path/lib/
type              :  preoperation
vendor            :  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
version           :

Note –

If your server is registered in DSCC and you need to use PTA, you must preserve the following settings while modifying the PTA plug-in.

If the PTA plug-in is disabled or the DSCC URL is removed from the argument, the server instance will appear as inaccessible in DSCC. If this happens, DSCC will automatically give you the option of resetting the PTA plug-in.

You can also fix this problem by unregistering and registering the Directory Server instance into DSCC. To perform these operations, you can use either DSCC or the dsccreg remove-server and dsccreg add-server commands. For more information about the dsccreg command, see dsccreg(1M).