Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Format of an Error Message

An error log message has this format:

timestamp - message category - message severity - message text

Example 23–1 shows an extract from an error log.

Example 23–1 Extract of an Error Log

[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Logging Service configured
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Version: 1.6.0_16 
  (Java Home: /local/instances/dsee7/jre)
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 
  (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
  (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Heap Space: Total Memory 
  (-Xms) = 241MB, Max Memory (-Xmx) = 241MB
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:28 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Operating System: 
  SunOS/sparcv9 5.10
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:29 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - SSL initialization succeeded.
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:29 +0100] - CONFIG     - WARN  - Attribute 
  certMappingDataViewPolicy in entry cn=LDAPS Listener,cn=Client 
  Listeners,cn=config missing. Using ALL_DATA_VIEW
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:29 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Creating 50 worker threads.
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:30 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Sun-Directory-Proxy-Server/7.0 
  B2009.1104.2146 started on host lecap in directory /local/instances/dps-1
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:30 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Listening for client connections 
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:30 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Listening for secure client 
  connections on
[11/Feb/2010:14:52:31 +0100] - BACKEND    - WARN  - LDAP server groupy:11998/ is 
  up and running.
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:10 +0100] - SHUTDOWN   - INFO  - Directory Proxy Server received a 
  shutdown request from external signal (caught by shutdown hook)
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:10 +0100] - BACKEND    - WARN  - LDAP server groupy:11998/ is up 
  and running.
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:11 +0100] - SHUTDOWN   - INFO  - Directory Proxy Server stopped.
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Logging Service configured
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Version: 1.6.0_16 
  (Java Home: /local/instances/dsee7/jre)
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 
  (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Java Heap Space: Total Memory 
  (-Xms) = 241MB, Max Memory (-Xmx) = 241MB
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Operating System: 
  SunOS/sparcv9 5.10
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - Initializing LDAP server 
  cn=dscc_ldap_groupy:11998,cn=data sources,cn=config
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:19 +0100] - STARTUP    - INFO  - SSL initialization succeeded.
[11/Feb/2010:17:43:20 +0100] - CONFIG     - WARN  - Attribute certMappingDataViewPolicy
  in entry cn=LDAPS Listener,cn=Client Listeners,cn=config missing. Using ALL_DATA_VIEW