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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Guide
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Document Information


Installing and Configuring HA for Oracle

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for Oracle

Planning the HA for Oracle Installation and Configuration

Configuration Requirements

Configuration Planning Questions

Preparing the Nodes and Disks

How to Prepare the Nodes

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Solaris Volume Manager

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Veritas Volume Manager

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Oracle ASM

How to Install the Oracle ASM Software

How to Verify the Oracle ASM Software Installation

Installing the Oracle Software

How to Install the Oracle Software

How to Set the Oracle Kernel Parameters

Verifying the Oracle Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Oracle Installation

Creating an Oracle Database

How to Create a Primary Oracle Database

Setting Up Oracle Database Permissions

How to Set Up Oracle Database Permissions

Installing the HA for Oracle Packages

How to Install the HA for Oracle Packages

Registering and Configuring HA for Oracle

Tools for Registering and Configuring HA for Oracle

Setting HA for Oracle Extension Properties

How to Register and Configure HA for Oracle by Using the clsetup Utility

How to Register and Configure HA for Oracle Without Oracle ASM Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Maintenance Commands

How to Register and Configure HA for Oracle with Single Instance Oracle ASM Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Maintenance Commands

How to Register and Configure HA for Oracle with Clustered Oracle ASM Instance Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Maintenance Commands

Where to Go From Here

Verifying the HA for Oracle Installation

How to Verify the HA for Oracle Installation

Oracle Clients

Location of HA for Oracle Log Files

Tuning the HA for Oracle Fault Monitors

Operation of the Oracle Server Fault Monitor

Operation of the Main Fault Monitor

Operation of the Database Client Fault Probe

Operations to Monitor the Partition for Archived Redo Logs

Operations to Determine Whether the Database is Operational

Actions by the Server Fault Monitor in Response to a Database Transaction Failure

Scanning of Logged Alerts by the Server Fault Monitor

Operation of the Oracle Listener Fault Monitor

Obtaining Core Files for Troubleshooting DBMS Timeouts

Customizing the HA for Oracle Server Fault Monitor

Defining Custom Behavior for Errors

Custom Action File Format

Changing the Response to a DBMS Error

Responding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major

Ignoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor

Changing the Response to Logged Alerts

Changing the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes

Propagating a Custom Action File to All Nodes in a Cluster

Specifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use

How to Specify the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use

Upgrading HA for Oracle Resource Types

Upgrading the SUNW.oracle_listener Resource Type

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

Upgrading the SUNW.oracle_server Resource Type

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

Changing the Role of an Oracle Data Guard Instance

How to Change the Role of an Oracle Data Guard Instance

A.  HA for Oracle Extension Properties

B.  Preset Actions for DBMS Errors and Logged Alerts

C.  Sample Configurations for Oracle ASM with HA for Oracle


Preparing the Nodes and Disks

This section contains the procedures that you need to prepare the nodes and disks.

How to Prepare the Nodes

Use this procedure to prepare for the installation and configuration of Oracle software.


Caution - Perform all of the steps in this section on all the nodes. If you do not perform all of the steps on all of the nodes, the Oracle installation is incomplete. An incomplete Oracle installation causes HA for Oracle to fail during startup.

Note - Consult the Oracle documentation before you perform this procedure.

The following steps prepare your nodes and install the Oracle software.

  1. Become superuser on all of the cluster members.
  2. Configure the cluster file system for HA for Oracle.


    Caution - Raw devices from Oracle Solaris Cluster device groups are not supported in non-global zones.

    If raw devices contain the databases, configure the global devices for raw device access. See the Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide for information about how to configure global devices.

    If you use the Solaris Volume Manager software, configure the Oracle software to use UNIX file system (UFS) logging on mirrored metadevices or raw-mirrored metadevices. See the Solaris Volume Manager documentation for more information about how to configure raw-mirrored metadevices.

    If you use the Solaris Zettabyte File System (ZFS) for Oracle files, configure a highly available local ZFS. For more information, see How to Set Up the HAStoragePlus Resource Type to Make a Local Solaris ZFS Highly Available in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.

    If you use the Sun QFS file system, configure the Sun QFS file system for using with Oracle. For more information on configuring the Sun QFS file system, see Using the Sun QFS Shared File System in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide.

  3. Prepare the $ORACLE_HOME directory on a local or multihost disk.

    Note - If you install the Oracle binaries on a local disk, use a separate disk if possible. Installing the Oracle binaries on a separate disk prevents the binaries from overwrites during operating environment reinstallation. When you use Oracle ASM you should create two $ORACLE_HOME directories, one $ORACLE_HOME directory for the Oracle database and the additional $ORACLE_HOME directory for Oracle ASM.

  4. On each node or zone, create an entry for the database administrator (DBA) group in the /etc/group file, and add potential users to the group.

    You typically name the DBA group dba. Verify that the oracle users are members of the dba group, and add entries as necessary for other DBA users. Ensure that the group IDs are the same on all of the nodes or zones that run HA for Oracle, as the following example illustrates.


    If you use Oracle ASM, you should add an additional entry for the DBA group in the /etc/group file for Oracle ASM.


    You can create group entries in a network name service (for example, NIS or NIS+). If you create group entries in this way, add your entries to the local /etc/inet/hosts file to eliminate dependency on the network name service.

  5. On each node or zone, create an entry for the Oracle user ID (oracle).

    You typically name the Oracle user ID oracle. The following command updates the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files with an entry for the Oracle user ID.

    # useradd -u 120 -g dba -d /Oracle-home oracle

    Ensure that the oracle user entry is the same on all the nodes or zones that run HA for Oracle.

    If you use Oracle ASM, you should create an additional Oracle user ID for Oracle ASM.

    # useradd -u 121 -g dba -d /asm-home oraasm
  6. If you are using Oracle database or higher, you should perform the following steps on each Solaris zone.

    Note - You must perform these steps while creating a zone. If you fail to perform these steps, it results in an error. To resolve the error, you should set the necessary privileges and then run ORACLE_HOME/bin/localconfig reset ORACLE_HOME.

    # zoneadm -Z zcname halt
    # zonecfg -Z zcname info limitpriv
    # zoneadm -Z zcname set limitpriv=default,proc_priocntl
    # zoneadm -Z zcname info limitpriv
    # zoneadm -Z zcname boot

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Solaris Volume Manager

Use this procedure to configure the Oracle database using Solaris Volume Manager.

Note - You can run this procedure only in the global zone.

  1. Configure the disk devices for the Solaris Volume Manager software to use.

    See Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide for information about how to configure the Solaris Volume Manager software.

  2. If you use raw devices to contain the databases, run the following commands to change each raw-mirrored metadevice's owner, group, and mode.

    If you do not use raw devices, do not perform this step.

    1. If you create raw devices, run the following commands for each device on each node that can master the Oracle resource group.
      # chown oracle /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn
      # chgrp dba /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn
      # chmod 600 /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn

      Specifies the name of the disk set


      Specifies the name of the raw disk device within the metaset disk set

    2. Verify that the changes are effective.
      # ls -lL /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Veritas Volume Manager

Use this procedure to configure the Oracle database using Veritas Volume Manager software.

Note - You can run this procedure only in the global zone.

  1. Configure the disk devices for the VxVM software to use.

    See the Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide for information about how to configure Veritas Volume Manager.

  2. If you use raw devices to contain the databases, run the following commands on the current disk-group primary to change each device's owner, group, and mode.

    If you do not use raw devices, do not perform this step.

    1. If you create raw devices, run the following command for each raw device.
      # vxedit -g diskgroup set user=oracle group=dba mode=600 volume

      Specifies the name of the disk group


      Specifies the name of the raw device within the disk group

    2. Verify that the changes are effective.
      # ls -lL /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume
    3. Synchronize the device group with the cluster to keep the VxVM namespace consistent throughout the cluster.
      # cldevicegroup sync diskgroup

How to Configure the Oracle Database Access Using Oracle ASM

Use this procedure to configure the Oracle database access using Oracle ASM. You can use Oracle ASM on VxVM or Solaris Volume Manager.

  1. Configure the disk devices for the Oracle ASM software to use.

    See the Using Oracle ASM in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide for information about how to configure Oracle ASM.

  2. Setup the permissions for the Oracle ASM disks to be used by Oracle ASM disk groups.
    1. Run the following commands for each device on each node that can master the Oracle resource group.
      # chown oraasm:dba /dev/did/rdisk/dn
      # chmod 660 /dev/did/rdisk/dn
    2. Verify that the changes are effective.
      # ls -lhL  /dev/did/rdisk/dn