Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 8 Implementing OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover

Sun OpenSSO Enterprise provides a web container independent session failover implementation using Sun Java System Message Queue (Message Queue) as the communications broker and the Oracle Berkeley DB as the session store database. This chapter describes these topics:

Overview of OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover

OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover Components

A OpenSSO Enterprise session failover deployment scenario includes these components:

The following figure shows a session failover deployment with three OpenSSO Enterprise instances. (The OpenSSO Enterprise configuration data store and user data store are not shown.)

Figure 8–1 OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover Components

OpenSSO Enterprise session failover scenario

OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover Flow

OpenSSO Enterprise session failover follows the Message Queue publish/subscribe delivery model:

  1. When a user initiates, updates, or ends a session, the OpenSSO Enterprise instance publishes a session creation, update, or deletion message to the Message Queue broker cluster.

  2. The Oracle Berkeley DB client (amsessiondb) subscribes to the Message Queue broker cluster, reads the session messages, and stores the session operations in the database.

The OpenSSO Enterprise instances communicate with each other using an internal routing mechanism. If an OpenSSO Enterprise instance goes down due to a single hardware or software problem, a user’s session associated with that instance moves to a secondary OpenSSO Enterprise instance, as follows:

  1. The secondary OpenSSO Enterprise instance publishes a query request to the Message Queue broker cluster to get the user’s session information.

  2. The Oracle Berkeley DB client (amsessiondb) receives the query request, retrieves the corresponding user entry from the session database, and then publishes the user’s session information to the Message Queue broker cluster.

  3. The secondary OpenSSO Enterprise instance receives the response with the user’s session information from the Message Queue broker and continues the session, without losing any session information or requiring the user to login again.

If a Message Queue broker goes down, OpenSSO Enterprise continues to operate in non-session failover mode. When the Message Queue broker is later restarted, OpenSSO Enterprise returns to session failover mode.

For more information about the Message Queue components and the publish/subscribe delivery model, see the Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Technical Overview in the following collection:

Installing and Configuring the OpenSSO Enterprise Session Failover Components

To install and configure the OpenSSO Enterprise session failover components, follow this procedure on each server in the Message Queue broker cluster:

Unzipping the File

The file, which is part of the file, contains the session failover scripts, JAR, properties, and related files.

ProcedureTo Unzip the File

Before You Begin

Unzip the file. The file is then available in the zip-root/opensso/tools directory, where zip-root is where you unzipped

  1. Log in to the server where you want to install and configure the session failover components.

  2. Create a new directory to unzip the For example: sfo-zip-root

  3. Copy the file to the new directory.

  4. Unzip the file in the new directory.

    The following table describes the layout after you unzip the file. The directory where you unzip is represented by sfo-zip-root.

    sfo-zip-root File or Directory



    Description of the file.


    Script to install the session tools on Solaris and Linux systems. 


    Script to install the session tools on Windows systems. 

    ext directory

    • Message Queue JAR files for Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Linux. and Windows systems.

    • Oracle Berkeley DB JAR file (je.jar)

    lib directory

    • JAR file for the setup scripts (am_session_setup.jar)

    • JAR file for the session API (am_sessiondb.jar)

    locale directory

    Properties file for the session API (

    template directory

    Script templates for Solaris, Linux, and Windows systems. 

Running the Session Failover setup Script

The session failover setup script installs these files:

ProcedureTo Run the Session Failover setup Script

Before You Begin
  1. In the directory where you unzipped the file, run the setup script.

    On Solaris and Linux systems, use this syntax to run the setup script:

    setup -p|--path dirname

    where dirname is a directory under the current directory where the setup script places the session failover scripts and related files. If dirname does not exist, the script will create the directory for you.

    For example: # ./setup -p sfo


    • On Windows systems, run the setup.bat script.

    • If you run the setup script without any options, the script prompts you for a path.

    • If the path contains a space, run the setup script without any options and then provide the path when you are prompted.

    • To display the help for the setup script: setup -h|--help

    The setup (or setup.bat) script installs the session failover scripts and related files in the following directories:

    sfo-zip-root Directory

    Script or File 


    Message Queue scripts and related files 


    amsfo.conf session failover configuration file


    • Scripts to start and stop the Message Queue broker and amsessiondb client:

      • amsfo on Solaris and Linux systems

      • on Windows systems

    • Scripts to run the Oracle Berkeley DB client (called by amsfo):

      • amssessiondb on Solaris and Linux systems

      • amssessiondb.bat on Windows systems

    • Scripts to encrypt the password for the Message Queue broker user (default is guest):

      • amsfopassword on Solaris and Linux systems

      • amsfopassword.bat on Windows systems

Editing the amsessiondb Script (if Needed)

The amsfo script calls amsessiondb to start the Oracle Berkeley DB client (amsessiondb), create the database, and set specific database values. The amsessiondb script contains variables that specify various default paths and directories. For example:


If any of these components are not installed in the directories shown in the amsessiondb script, edit the script and set each variable, as needed, to the path where the component is installed.

Encrypting the Message Queue Broker Password Using the amsfopassword Script (Required)

The amsfopassorwd script accepts the password for the Message Queue broker user (default is guest) in clear text and returns the encrypted password in a file. You can then use this file as input to the amsfo script by setting the PASSWORDFILE variable in the amsfo.conf configuration file.

To run the amsfopassword script, use the following syntax:

-f|--passwordfile password-file -e|--encrypt clear-text-password

To display help, specify -h|--help.

ProcedureTo Encrypt the Message Queue Broker Password Using the amsfopassword Script

  1. On the server where you ran the setup script, run the amsfopassword script.

    For example, on a Solaris system:

    # cd /sfo-zip-root/sfo/bin
    # ./amsfopassword -f /sfo-zip-root/sfo/mqpassword -e clear-text-password

    You are not required to run amsfopassword as superuser (root).

  2. Use the encrypted password in the mqpassword file as input to the amsfo script by setting the PASSWORDFILE variable in the amsfo.conf file.

    For information about the PASSWORDFILE variable, see Table 8–1.

Running the amsfo Script to Start and Stop the Session Failover Components

The amsfo script (or on Windows systems) reads variables in the amsfo.conf configuration file and then performs these functions:

To run the script on Windows systems, Active Perl version 5.8 or later is required.

To run amsfo, use the following syntax:

amsfo start | stop

The amsfo command then automatically finds the amsfo.conf file.

The following table describes the variables in the amsfo.conf file. Some variables are set when you run the setup (or script. Before you run the amsfo script, set other variables as required for your deployment.

Table 8–1 amsfo.conf Configuration File Parameters




Specifies the following directory: sfo-zip-root/dirname


  • sfo-zip-root is where you unzipped the file.

  • dirname is the name you specified when you ran the setup script to install the session failover scripts and related files.


Specifies (true or false) whether the script should automatically restart the Oracle Berkeley DB client (amsessiondb).

The default is true (restart the amsessiondb client).


Specifies the Message Queue broker list participating in the cluster. The format is:  

host1:port,host2:port, ... hostn:port

For example:,,

You can deploy the Message Queue brokers on the same servers that are running OpenSSO Enterprise instances. However, for improved performance, consider installing the brokers on different servers. 


Specifies the directory where the session database files will be created.  

Default: /tmp/amsession/sessiondb


Specifies (true or false) whether the script should delete and then create a new database each time the Oracle Berkeley DB client (amsessiondb) is restarted.

Default: true


Specifies the location of the log directory.  

Default: /tmp/amsession/logs


Specifies (true or false) whether the Message Queue broker should be started with the amsessiondb process on the same server:

true - The Message Queue broker will run on the same server as the amsessiondb process.

false - The Message Queue broker and the amsessiondb process will run on different servers.

Default: true


Specifies the name of the Message Queue broker instance to start.  

For example: mqbroker


Specifies the port for the local Message Queue broker instance.  

Default: 7777 


Specifies the Java VM arguments. Set to a maximum of 1024m, based on the system resources.

Default: "-Xms256m -Xmx512m"


Specifies the user name used to connect to the Message Queue broker. 

Default: guest


Location of the password file that contains the encrypted password of the user name (default is guest) used to connect to the Message Queue broker. To generate the encrypted password, use the amsfopassword script, as described in Encrypting the Message Queue Broker Password Using the amsfopassword Script (Required).

Default: sfo-zip-root/dirname/.password


amsessiondb script arguments.

The amsessiondb script is called by the amsfo (or script. To determine the list of arguments, run: amsession db -h

ProcedureTo Run the amsfo Script

Before You Begin

Stop each of the OpenSSO Enterprise instances in the session failover deployment.

  1. Set the variables in the amsfo.conf file, as required for your deployment.

    For a description of all variables, see Table 8–1.

  2. Run the amsfo script on Solaris or Linux systems or the script on Windows systems.

    For example, to start the session failover components on a Solaris system:

    # cd /sfo-zip-root/sfo/bin
    # ./amsfo start

    The amsfo command then automatically finds the amsfo.conf file and displays status information as it runs.

  3. To check the results, see the /var/tmp/amsfo.log file.

Configuring Session Failover in the OpenSSO Enterprise Console

ProcedureTo Configure Session Failover in the OpenSSO Enterprise Console

Before You Begin

If necessary, start each OpenSSO Enterprise instance in the session failover deployment.

  1. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise Console as amadmin.

  2. Click Configuration, Global, and then Session.

  3. Under Secondary Configuration Instance, click the site Name for the session failover configuration.

  4. On the Edit Sub Configuration page, specify the Global Attributes.

    When applicable, use the same values for the corresponding parameters in the amsfo.conf configuration file.

    • Session Store User is the user that connects to the Message Queue broker. For example: openssomquser

    • Session Store Password (and confirmation) is the password for the user that connects to the Message Queue broker.

    • Maximum Wait Time should be the default value of 5000 milliseconds.

    • Database Url is the Message Queue broker address list, which is the list of Message Queue brokers participating in the cluster. For example:,,

    • Session Failover Enabled must be Enabled.

  5. Check Save and log out of the console.

  6. Restart each OpenSSO Enterprise instance in the site for the new session failover values to take effect.