Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring OpenSSO Enterprise Using the Command-Line Configurator

To configure OpenSSO Enterprise server using the command-line Configurator, you set parameters in a configuration file and then run the Configurator from the command line using the configuration file as input. You can run the Configurator on the same system as OpenSSO Enterprise server or from a remote system.

Requirements to Run the Command-Line Configurator

The requirements to install and run the command-line Configurator include:

Installing the Command-Line Configurator

After you unzip the file, the command-line Configurator and related files are in the following file:


where zip-root is the directory where you unzipped

ProcedureTo Install the Command-Line Configurator

  1. Change to the zip-root/opensso/tools directory.

  2. Unzip the file to get these files:

    • README.setup describes how to run the Configurator.

    • configurator.jar contains the binary files (OpenSSOConfigurator.class and

    • sampleconfiguration is a sample input file that you edit before you run the Configurator.

    • license.txt describes the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL).

    Remote system. If you plan to run the Configurator on a remote system, copy the file to the remote system before you unzip it.

Configuring OpenSSO Enterprise Server

ProcedureTo Configure OpenSSO Enterprise Using the Command-Line Configurator

  1. Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to JDK 1.5 or later.

  2. Change to the directory where you unzipped the file.

  3. Create a configuration file and set the properties required for your deployment.

    Sun provides the OpenSSO Enterprise server configuration parameters in the sampleconfiguration file. Either edit sampleconfiguration and use it when you run the Configurator, or copy this file and edit the new file.

    See OpenSSO Enteprise Configuration Parameters For the Command-Line Configurator for the properties you can set.

  4. Run the Configurator. For example:

    # java -jar configurator.jar -f configuration-file

    where configuration-file contains the configuration properties you set in the previous step.

OpenSSO Enteprise Configuration Parameters For the Command-Line Configurator

General and Server Parameters

Configuration Data Store Parameters

Multi-Server Deployment Parameters

User Data Store Parameters

Site Configuration Parameters

Note –

Depending on your security requirements, consider making a snapshot of your deployment using the OpenSSO Diagnostic Tool. Then, you can run the Tamper Detection test periodically to very the integrity of your deployment. For more information, see Chapter 7, Running the OpenSSO Diagnostic Tool.