Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Technical Overview


The internet is comprised of resources. Clients may access resources with a URL. When requested, a representation of the resource (an HTML page) is returned. The result of the user clicking a link on the page is that another resource is accessed (possibly an image, video, or another HTML page). Each new representation places the client into a state that is different from the previous state. Thus, the client application changes state with each accessed resource representation. REST is a design architecture in which a web service is viewed as a resource identified by a URL. The web service client then accesses it using a globally defined set of remote methods that describe the action to be performed. REST is not a standard; you can only understand it, and design web services in the REST style. REST does, though, use standards including:

RESTful services are accessed using a generic interface; in OpenSSO Enterprise it is the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP methods. The RESTful Identity Web Service is accessible at http://host_machine.domain:8080/opensso/identity. Because these web services are exposed using the HTTP methods, they can be accessed from a browser. This style may be appropriate when:

Note –

OpenSSO Enterprise REST interfaces currently support only username and password authentication.