Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Release Notes

Localization Issues

4017: In Spanish locale, “2.2 Agents” is translated only as Agentes in Console

If the OpenSSO Console is in the Spanish locale, the 2.2 is missing from the translation of “2.2 Agents”.

3994: In Spanish locale, cannot access Certificate for Configuration > Authentication

If the OpenSSO Console is in the Spanish locale, clicking Configuration, Authentication, and then Certificate returns an error.

3971: In Chinese (zh_CN) locale, online help is in English

In the Chinese (zh_CN) locale. the Console online help text is displayed in English rather than Chinese. If you set your browser preferred language to zh_CN, only the online help text in the left tree will be English. If you set your browser preferred language to zh, all online help text will be English.

Workaround. Copy the zh_CN online Help contents to a new zh directory in the web container's webapps directory and the restart the web container.

For example for Apache Tomcat, copy /Tomcat6.0.18/webapps/opensso/html/zh_CN/* to a new directory named /Tomcat6.0.18/webapps/opensso/html/zh/. And then restart the Tomcat container.

3802: Problems in the French part of copyright notice

In the French part of the English copyright notice, “Etats-unis” is missing an accent, a space is missing after the comma at “armes nucléaires,des missiles”, and spaces should not be in “Etats - Unis”.