Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Release Notes

Installation of Version 3.0-01 Policy Agents

A version 3.0-01 policy agent requires a full installation. If you have a version 3.0 agent already installed, you must uninstall the existing version 3.0 agent and then reinstall the new version 3.0-01 agent. To install a version 3.01–01 agent, follow these steps:

  1. If you have a version 3.0 agent installed, uninstall the agent by following the instructions in the respective Policy Agent 3.0 guide in the OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 documentation collection:

    Important: Before you uninstall the agent, back up your existing agent deployment. For example, for the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x agent, back up the files under AgentHome/web_agents/apache22_agent, where AgentHome is where you installed the agent.

  2. Create a directory to download the version 3.0–01 patch file.

  3. Download the patch for the agent you want to install from

  4. In the download directory, unzip the version 3.0–01 patch file. A patch for a web agent contain a README file and separate ZIP files for each platform supported by the specific agent you downloaded. A patch for a Java EE agent contains one ZIP file for all supported platforms.

  5. Unzip the file for your specific platform.

    The files and directories required by the specific agent are then available in the zip-root/web_agents/agent-name directory, where zip-root is where you unzipped the file and agent-name identifies the specific agent.

    Check the README available with the agent for more information about the agent for your specific platform.

  6. Install and configure the version 3.0–01 agent by following the instructions in the respective Policy Agent 3.0 guide in the OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 documentation collection:

    Note: Version 3.0 and later agents require JDK 1.5 or later on the server where you plan to install the agent. Before you run the agentadmin program to install the agent, set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK installation directory.