Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Performance Tuning Guide

Related Systems Tuning

In this phase, you manually tune Directory Server, any Web Servers that host Web Policy Agents, and any Application Servers that host J2EE Policy Agents. The typical tuning steps are as follows:

  1. Run amtune to tune the OpenSSO Enterprise system. For more detailed information, see About the amtune Tool.

  2. Follow the amtune onscreen prompts to tune the OpenSSO configuration directory server instances (if it's not OpenDS). The following is an overview of the primary tuning steps you must complete:

    1. Increase the nsslapd-dbcachesize value.

    2. Relocate nsslapd-db-home-directory to the /tmp directory.

    For detailed information, see the Directory Server documentation.

  3. If the OpenSSO Enterprise sub-realm is pointing to an external Directory Server user database, then manually tune the sub-realm LDAP connection pool.

    The amtune tool tunes only the LDAP connection pools of the root realm. You can configure the following parameters on LDAPv3 IDrepo:

    1. LDAP Connection Pool Minimum Size

    2. LDAP Connection Pool Maximum Size

  4. If you have installed a Web Policy Agent on a Sun Web Server, then manually tune the Web Server. You must configure the following parameters in the magnus.conf:

    • RqThrottle

    • RqThrottleMin

    • RqThrottleIncrement

    • ConnQueueSize

    If OpenSSO Enterprise is deployed on a Sun Web Server, the amtune tool will modify the Web Server magnus.conf file. You can copy the changes and use the changed values in the Web Policy Agent Web Server.

  5. If you have installed a J2EE Policy Agent on an application server, see Tuning Third-Party Containers for instructions on manually tune both the J2EE Policy Agent and the application server. You must configure settings for heap sizes and for garbage collection (GC) behaviors.