Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Performance Tuning Guide

Troubleshoot Problems You Find

A common problem is that when two OpenSSO Enterprise instances are both running, you see the number of session requests exceeds the number of logins. For example, the test output may look similar to this:

# cp access a; grep Login a|wc; grep naming a|wc; grep sesion a|wc;
grep policy a|wc; grep jaxrpc a|wc; grep notifi a|wc; grep Logout a|wc;wc a;
    4075   40750  358600
    4167   41670  400032
   19945  199450 1913866
    3979   39790  381984
       0       0       0
    3033   30330  297234
    3946   39460  359086
   39194  391891 3713840 a

Note that for each login request, there are now five session requests, and 0.75 notifications. The total number of requests do add up though. This indicates there are no other unexpected requests. There are more session requests per login because the sticky load balancing is not working properly. A user logged in on one OpenSSO Enterprise instance is sometimes sent to another OpenSSO Enterprise instance for session validation and logout. The second OpenSSO Enterprise instance must generate extra session and notification requests to the originating OpenSSO Enterprise instance to perform the request. The extra requests increase the system workload and reduce the maximum throughput the system can provide. In this case, the two OpenSSO Enterprise instances cannot double the throughout of the single OpenSSO Enterprise throughput. You can address the problem by reconfiguring the load balancer. The problem should have been caught during modular verification steps in the system construction phase.