Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer's Guide

Single Logout Pages

The single logout JSP provides the means by which all sessions authenticated by a particular identity provider are near-simultaneously terminated. The single logout protocol is used either when a user logs out from a participant service provider or when the principal logs out directly from the identity provider.


idpSingleLogoutPOST.jsp can do either of the following:

There are no required parameters.


idpSingleLogoutInit.jsp initiates a LogoutRequest at the identity provider by user request. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/IDPSloInit. There are no required parameters. Optional parameters include:


idpSingleLogoutRedirect.jsp processes the LogoutRequest and the LogoutResponse received from the service provider using HTTP-Redirect. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/IDPSloRedirect. It takes the following required parameters:

Optionally, it can also take the RelayState parameter which specifies the target URL of the request.


spSingleLogoutPOST.jsp can do either of the following:

Required parameters for the first option are RelayState (the target URL for a successful single logout) and SAMLRequest (the Logout Request). For the second option it is SAMLResponse (the Logout Response).


spSingleLogoutInit.jsp initiates a LogoutRequest at the identity provider by user request. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/SPSloInit. There are no required parameters. Optional parameters include:


spSingleLogoutRedirect.jsp processes the LogoutRequest and the LogoutResponse received from the identity provider using HTTP-Redirect. The endpoint for this JSP is protocol://host:port/service-deploy-uri/SPSloRedirect. It takes the following required parameters:

Optionally, it can also take the RelayState parameter which specifies the target URL of the request.