Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide

Debug Files

The debug files are not a feature of the Logging Service. They are written using different APIs which are independent of the logging APIs. Debug files are stored in ConfigurationDirectory/uri/debug. This location, along with the level of the debug information, is configurable through the OpenSSO Enterprise Console. Go to Configuration > Sites and Servers >server-name > General and edit the Debug Directory attribute.

Debug Levels

There are several levels of information that can be recorded to the debug files. The debug level is set using the Debug Level attribute located at Configuration > Sites and Servers >server-name > General.

  1. Off: No debug information is recorded.

  2. Error: This level is used for production. During production, there should be no errors in the debug files.

  3. Warning: This level allows Error and Warning debug messages to be written.

  4. Message: This level allows detailed code tracing.

    Note –

    Warning and Message levels should not be used in production. They cause severe performance degradation and an abundance of debug messages.

Debug Output Files

By default there are separate debug files, corresponding to the major service components of OpenSSO Enterprise:

Debug output can be combined into one file through the administration console (Configuration > Sites and Servers > server-name > General. Turn the Merge Debug Files attribute to ON.