Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Specialized WAR file for the Identity Provider Services

OpenSSO Enterprise provides a mechanism to create a specialized WAR file for the SAMLv2 Identity Provider Discovery Service and the ID-FF Identity Provider Introduction Service. The WAR file can be deployed as standalone application, independent of Identity Provider and Service Provider domains. See Creating and Deploying Specialized OpenSSO Enterprise WAR Files in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. After you deploy and run the Configurator for the specialized WAR file, locate the configuration property file named

    This file is created under the web container user's home directory. This file is the same for both the SAMLv2 IDP Discovery service and the ID-FF IDP Introduction service.

  2. Customize the following properties to meet your specific deployment needs:

    The value of this property is the name of the common domain.

    This property takes a value of either PERSISTENT or SESSION. PERSISTENT defines the cookie as one that will be stored and reused after a web browser is closed and reopened. SESSION defines the cookie as one that will not be stored after the web browser has been closed.

    This property takes a value of either false or true. It defines whether the cookie needs to be secured or not.

    This property takes a value of either false or true. It defines whether the cookie will be URL encoded or not. This property is useful if, for example, the web container that reads or writes the cookie decrypts or encrypts it by default.