Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference


The General attributes configure basic configuration data for your centralized server management.

Site Attributes

The site attribute is:

Parent Site

This attribute maps the load balancer Site Name (site ID) to the OpenSSO Enterprise server. Note that the site must be created before you can add the site.

System Attributes

The system attributes list location information for the server instance:

Base Installation Directory

Specifies the base directory where product's data resides.

Default Locale

The locale value is the default language subtype that OpenSSO Enterprise was installed with. The default is en_us.

Notification URL

The location of notification service end point. This value is set during installation.

XML Validation

Default value is no. Determines if validation is required when parsing XML documents using the OpenSSO Enterprise XMLUtils class. This property is in effect only when value for the Debug Level attribute is set to warning or message. Allowable values are yes and no. The XML document validation is turned on only if the value for this property yes, and if value for Debug Level attribute is set to warning or message.

Debugging Attributes

The Debugging attributes list basic error checking information:

Debug Level

Specifies debug level. Default value is error. Possible values are:

Merge Debug Files

If set to on, the server directs all debug data to a single file (debug.out). If set to OFF, the server creates separate per-component debug files.

Debug Directory

Specifies the output directory where debug files will be created. Value is set during installation. Example: OpenSSO-deploy-base/uri/debug.

Mail Server

The Mail Server attributes list the host name and port for the mail server:

Mail Server Host Name

Default value is localhost. Specifies the mail server host.

Mail Server Port Number

Default value is 25. Specifies the mail server port.