Sun OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server/Portal 10

WebLogic Portal 10: Setting Logout-Related Properties for the Sample Portal

This task involves configuring logout-related properties for the sample portal (groupspace), using either the either in the OpenSSO Enterprise Console or the ssoadm utility.

To set the logout-related properties in the OpenSSO Enterprise Console:

  1. Login to the Console as amadmin.

  2. Under Access Control, realm-name, Agents, and J2EE, click the name of the agent profile you want to update.

    The Console displays the Edit page for the agent profile.

  3. Click Application and then Logout Processing. then set the following fields, depending on your requirements:

    • Logout Application Handler: An application-specific map that identifies a handler to be used for logout processing. The corresponding property is com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.application.handler.

    • Logout Application URI: An application-specific map that identifies a request URI that indicates a logout event. The corresponding property is com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.uri.

    • Logout Request Parameter: An application-specific map that identifies a parameter that when present in the HTTP request indicates a logout event. The corresponding property is com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.request.param.

    • Logout Introspect Enabled: Check Enabled to allow the agent to search an HTTP request body to locate the logout parameter. The corresponding property is com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.introspect.enabled.

    • Logout Entry URI: An application-specific map that identifies a URI to be used as an entry point after a successful logout and subsequent successful authentication if applicable. The corresponding property is com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.entry.uri.

  4. Click Save.

To use the ssoadm utility, set the logout-related agent properties. For example:

com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.application.handler[] = 
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.uri[groupspace] = /groupspace/communityFiles/shell/logout.jsp
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.request.param[groupspace] = logout
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.introspect.enabled = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.entry.uri[groupspace] = /groupspace/groupspace.jsp

All of these logout-related properties are hot-swappable.