Sun OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent 3.0 User's Guide for J2EE Agents

Common Attribute Fetch Processing Related Properties

This section lists the most common configuration properties that are used to influence attribute fetching.

Cookie Separator Character property (Tab: Application, Name: com.sun.identity.agents.config.attribute.cookie.separator)

This property allows you to assign a character to be used to separate multiple values of the same attribute when it is being set as a cookie. The value that you assign to this property is the character, for example the pipe symbol “|”, that will separate multiple values of the same attribute when it is being set as a cookie.

Attribute Cookie Encode property (Tab: Application, Name: com.sun.identity.agents.config.attribute.cookie.encode)

This property is a flag (enabled or not enabled) that indicates if the value of the attribute should be URL encoded before being set as a cookie.

Fetch Attribute Date Format (Tab: Application, Name:

This property allows you to set the format of date attribute values to be used when the attribute is set to HTTP header. This format is based on the definition as provided in java.text.SimpleDateFormat. The format for the value of this property is as follows:

EEE, d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss z