Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Upgrade Guide

ProcedureTo Upgrade the Access Manager or Federation Manager Schema Using the ssoupgrade Script

Before You Begin

Before executing ssoupgrade, rename (by adding the .bak extension) and then copy the previous version's configuration files ( and serverconfig.xml) to the /zip-root/opensso/upgrade/config directory.

# cp
# mv /zip-root/opensso/upgrade/config/
  1. Log on as super user (root).

  2. Change to the zip-root/opensso/upgrade/scripts directory.

  3. (Optional) Change the values for the following properties in the ssoupgrade script.

    If you don't run ssopre80upgrade these properties would not be updated to reflect the new configuration. This is most common in WAR based deployments for which you do not need to run ssopre80upgrade. Thus when upgrading WAR based deployments, ssoupgrade needs to be manually edited before executing it.

    • LIB_DIR=STAGING_DIR: path to the directory created in Creating a Staging Directory and OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Upgrade WAR. For example: LIB_DIR=/staging

    • CONFIG_DIR=OSSO_CONFIG_DIR: path to the configuration directory for the newly upgraded instance. For example: CONFIG_DIR=/amserver

    • UPGRADE_DIR=OSSO_UPGRADE_DIR: path to the upgrade directory in the exploded For example: UPGRADE_DIR=/zip-root/opensso/upgrade

    Tip –

    The ssoupgrade script might need modification even if the ssopre80upgrade script was executed. Confirm that values for these properties have been swapped correctly before executing the script.

  4. Run the ssoupgrade script.

    • Solaris and Linux systems: ./ssoupgrade

    • Windows: ssoupgrade.bat

  5. When prompted, provide the following information.

    • Upgrade Base Directory: path to the directory created after exploding the For example: /zip-root/opensso

    • OpenSSO Configuration Directory: path to the directory created after deploying the opensso.war. For example: /opensso

    • OpenSSO Staging Directory: path to the directory created in Creating a Staging Directory and OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Upgrade WAR. For example: /staging

    • Fully qualified host name of the machine on which the Directory Server is installed

    • Directory Server port number. For example: 389

    • Directory Manager DN. For example, cn=Directory Manager

    • Directory Manager password

    • OpenSSO Administrative User DN: the DN of amAdmin. By default, uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com

    • OpenSSO Administrative User password (amAdmin password)

    • Enable Realms

      This prompt is displayed only if the existing instance is in Legacy mode or is an instance of Federation Manager. To migrate to Realm mode, enter y. Sun recommends that you migrate to Realm mode.

    After entering the script values, the process begins.

  6. Restart the Open SSO Enterprise web container.

Next Steps

Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise Administration Console as amadmin using the Data Store authentication module and the password specified during configuration. The URL to access the Data Store authentication module is:
