System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

How to Set an Alert to Mount a Print Wheel or Font Cartridge

  1. Log in as superuser, lp, or assume an equivalent role on the print server.

  2. Set an alert to mount a print wheel or font cartridge.

    # lpadmin -S hard-charset -A alert [-Q requests] [-W minutes]

    -S hard-charset

    Hardware character set name of the print wheel or font cartridge for which you want to set an alert.  

    -A alert

    Specifies what kind of alert will occur when a print wheel or font cartridge is requested. For detailed information about the valid values for alert, see Table 5–3. Some valid values are mail, write, and quiet.

    If you specify mail or write, a predefined alert message says to mount the specified print wheel or font cartridge and includes the names of one or more printers that have been set up to use such a print wheel or cartridge.

    -Q requests

    Specifies the number of print requests that require the print wheel or font cartridge that must be in the queue before an alert occurs. If you don't specify this option, only one print request in the queue triggers an alert. 

    -W minutes

    Specifies how often (in minutes) the alert will occur. If you don't specify this option, the alert is sent only once. 

    For more information, see lpadmin(1M).

    The alert is added in the print server's /etc/lp/pwheels/charset-name/ file.

  3. Verify that the alert has been added for the print wheel or font cartridge by checking the output of the following command.

    # lpadmin -S hard-charset -A list

    Otherwise, if you have set a low number of print requests to trigger the alert, submit enough print requests to meet the minimum requirement and make sure you receive an alert to mount the print wheel or font cartridge.

Examples—Setting an Alert to Mount a Print Wheel or Font Cartridge

The following example shows how to set email alerts to occur every five minutes for the elite print wheel when there are ten print requests for elite in the print queue.

# lpadmin -S elite -A mail -Q 10 -W 5

The following example shows how to set email alerts to occur every minute for the finnish font cartridge when there are five print requests for finnish in the print queue.

# lpadmin -S finnish -A mail -Q 5 -W 1

The following example show how to set console-window alerts to occur every 10 minutes for the elite print wheel when there are five print requests for elite in the print queue.

# lpadmin -S elite -A write -Q 5 -W 10

The following example shows how to set no alerts to occur for the elite print wheel.

# lpadmin -S elite -A none