System Administration Guide: IP Services

How to Configure a Host for Local Files Mode

Use this procedure for configuring TCP/IP on a machine that runs in local files mode.

  1. Become superuser and change directories to /etc.

  2. Type the host name of the machine in the file /etc/nodename.

    For example, if the name of the host is tenere, type tenere in the file.

  3. Create a file that is named /etc/hostname.interface for each network interface.

    The Solaris installation program automatically creates this file for the primary network interface. Refer to /etc/hostname.interface File for details. If you are using IPv6, see IPv6 Network Interface Configuration File.

  4. Type either the interface IP address or the interface name in each /etc/hostname.interface file.

    For example, create a file that is named hostname.ie1, and type either the IP address of the host's interface or the host's name.

  5. Edit the /etc/inet/hosts file to add the following:

    1. IP addresses that you have assigned to any additional network interfaces in the local machine, along with the corresponding host name for each interface.

      The Solaris installation program has already created entries for the primary network interface and loopback address.

    2. IP address or addresses of the file server, if the /usr file system is NFS mounted.

      Note –

      The Solaris installation program creates the default /etc/inet/hosts for the local machine. If the file does not exist, create the file as shown in hosts Database. Also, if you are using IPv6, see /etc/inet/ipnodes File.

  6. Type the host's fully qualified domain name in the /etc/defaultdomain file.

    For example, suppose host tenere was part of the domain Therefore, you would type in /etc/defaultdomain. See /etc/defaultdomain File for more information.

  7. Type the router's name in /etc/defaultrouter.

    See /etc/defaultrouter File for information about this file.

  8. Type the name of the default router and its IP addresses in /etc/inet/hosts.

    Additional routing options are available. Refer to the discussion on routing options in How to Configure Hosts for Network Client Mode. You can apply these options to a local files mode configuration.

  9. If your network is subnetted, type the network number and the netmask in the file /etc/inet/netmasks.

    If you have set up an NIS or NIS+ server, you can type netmask information in the appropriate database on the server if server and clients are on the same network.

  10. Reboot each machine on the network.