System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Chapter 37 Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)

Earlier versions of the Solaris operating system included a different PPP implementation, Asynchronous Solaris PPP (asppp). If you want to convert peers that run asppp to the newer PPP 4.0, you need to run a conversion script. This chapter covers the following topics in PPP conversion:

The chapter uses a sample asppp configuration to explain how to accomplish PPP conversion. For a description of the differences between Solaris PPP 4.0 and asppp, go to Which Version of Solaris PPP to Use.

Before Converting asppp Files

You can use the conversion script /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd to convert the files that compose a standard asppp configuration:

For more information about asppp, see the Solaris 8 System Administration Collection, Volume 3, available from

Example—/etc/ Configuration File

The procedure that is shown inHow to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 uses the following /etc/ file.

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb mojave gobi up

 inactivity_timeout 120     # Approx. 2 minutes
	interface ipdptp0	   
	peer_system_name Pgobi     # The name we log in with (also in
				                 # /etc/uucp/Systems

The file contains the following parameters:

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb mojave gobi up

Runs the ifconfig command to configure a link from PPP interface ipdptp0 on the local machine mojave to the remote peer gobi

inactivity_timeout 120

Terminates the line after it has been inactive for two minute 

interface ipdptp0

Configures the interface ipdptp0 on the dial-out machine for asynchronous PPP

peer_system_name Pgobi

Gives the name of the remote peer, Pgobi

Example—/etc/uucp/Systems File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 uses the following /etc/uucp/Systems file.

#ident  "@(#)Systems	1.5  92/07/14 SMI"  /* from SVR4 bnu:Systems 2.4 */

# .
# .
Pgobi Any ACU 38400 15551212 in:--in: mojave word: sand

The file contains the following parameters:


Uses Pgobi as the host name of the remote peer.


Tells the modem on the dial-out machine mojave to establish a link with a modem on Pgobi at any time of the day. Any ACU means “look for ACU in the /etc/uucp/Devices file.”


Sets 38400 as the maximum speed of the link. 


Gives the telephone number of Pgobi.

in:—in: mojave word: sand

Defines the login script that is required by Pgobi to authenticate dial-out machine mojave.

Example—/etc/uucp/Devices File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 uses the following /etc/uucp/Devices file.

#ident  "@(#)Devices  1.6  92/07/14 SMI"  /* from SVR4 bnu:Devices 2.7 */


TCP,et - - Any TCP -
ACU cua/b - Any hayes
# 0-7 are on a Magma 8 port card
Direct cua/0 - Any direct
Direct cua/1 - Any direct
Direct cua/2 - Any direct
Direct cua/3 - Any direct
Direct cua/4 - Any direct
Direct cua/5 - Any direct
Direct cua/6 - Any direct
Direct cua/7 - Any direct
# a is the console port (aka "tip" line)
Direct cua/a - Any direct
# b is the aux port on the motherboard
Direct cua/b - Any direct
# c and d are high speed sync/async ports
Direct cua/c - Any direct
Direct cua/d - Any direct

This file supports any Hayes modem that is connected to serial port cua/b.

Example—/etc/uucp/Dialers File

The procedure that is shown in How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0 uses the following /etc/uucp/Dialers file.

#<Much information about modems supported by Solaris UUCP>

penril	=W-P	"" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK
ventel	=&-%	"" \r\p\r\c $ k\c ONLINE!
vadic	=K-K	"" \005\p *-\005\p-*\005\p-* D\p BER? \E\T\e \r\c LINE
develcon ""	"" \pr\ps\c est:\007 \E\D\e \n\007
micom	""	"" \s\c NAME? \D\r\c GO
#   Hayes Smartmodem -- modem should be set with the configuration
#   switches as follows:
#       S1 - UP		S2 - UP		S3 - DOWN	S4 - UP
#       S5 - UP		S6 - DOWN	S7 - ?		S8 - DOWN
hayes	=,-,	"" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT

<much more information about modems supported by Solaris UUCP>

This file contains the chat scripts for all types of modems, including the Hayes modems that are supported in the /etc/UUCP/Dialers file.

Running the asppp2pppd Conversion Script (Tasks)

The /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd script copies the PPP information that is contained in the /etc/ and PPP-related UUCP files to appropriate locations in the Solaris PPP 4.0 files.


Before doing the next task, you should have done the following:

How to Convert From asppp to Solaris PPP 4.0

  1. Start the conversion script.

    # /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd

    The conversion process starts and gives you the following screen output.

    This script provides only a suggested translation for your existing aspppd
    configuration.  You will need to evaluate for yourself whether the translation
    is appropriate for your operating environment.
    Continue [Yn]? 
  2. Type Y to continue. You receive the following output.

    Chat cannot do echo checking; requests for this removed.
    Adding 'noauth' to /etc/ppp/options
    Preparing to write out translated configuration:
        1 chat file:
            1.  /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes
        2 option files:
            2.  /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi
            3.  /etc/ppp/options
        1 script file:
            4.  /etc/ppp/demand

    The new Solaris PPP 4.0 files have been generated.

How to View the Results of the Conversion

You can view the Solaris PPP 4.0 files that were created by the /usr/sbin/asppp2pppd conversion script at the end of the conversion process. The script displays the following list of options.

Enter option number:
        1 - view contents of file on standard output
        2 - view contents of file using /usr/bin/less
        3 - edit contents of file using /usr/bin/vi
        4 - delete/undelete file from list
        5 - rename file in list
        6 - show file list again
        7 - escape to shell (or "!")
        8 - abort without saving anything
        9 - save all files and exit (default)
  1. Type 1 to view the contents of the files on the screen.

    The script requests the number of the file you want to view.

    File number (1 .. 4):

    The numbers refer to the translated files that are listed during the conversion process, as shown in the previous Step 2.

  2. Type 1 to view the chat file /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes.

    File number (1 .. 4):  1
    "" \d\dA\p\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c
    OK\r ATDT\T\r\c
    CONNECT \c
    in:--in: mojave
    word: sand

    The chat script contains the modem “chat” information that appears on the hayes line in the sample /etc/UUCP/Dialersfile. /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes also contains the login sequence for Pgobi that appears in the sample /etc/UUCP/Systems file. The chat script is now in the /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes file.

  3. Type 2 to view the peers file, /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi.

    File number (1 .. 4):  2
    idle 120
    connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/chat.Pgobi.hayes -T '15551212'"
    user NeverAuthenticate

    The serial port information (/dev/cua/b) is from the /etc/UUCP/Devices file. The link speed, idle time, authentication information, and peer names are from the /etc/ file. “demand” refers to the “demand” script, to be called when the dial-out machine tries to connect to peer Pgobi.

  4. Type 3 to view the /etc/ppp/options file that are created for dial-out machine mohave.

    File number (1 .. 4):  3

    The information in /etc/ppp/options is from the /etc/ file.

  5. Type 4 to view the contents of the demand script.

    File number (1 .. 4):  4
    /usr/bin/pppd file /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi

    This script, when invoked, runs the pppd command, which then reads the /etc/ppp/peers/Pgobi to initiate the link between mohave and Pgobi.

  6. Type 9 to save the created files and exit the conversion script.