System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Interactions of Mail Programs

Mail services are provided by a combination of the following programs, which interact as shown in the simplified illustration in Figure 26–2.

Figure 26–2 Interactions of Mail Programs


For a more detailed illustration, refer to the figure in sendmail Features.

The following is a description of the interactions of mail programs.

  1. Users send messages by using programs such as mailx or mailtool. See the man pages for mailx(1) or mailtool(1) for information about these programs.

  2. The message is collected by the program that generated it and is passed to the sendmail daemon.

  3. The sendmail daemon parses the addresses (divides them into identifiable segments) in the message. The daemon uses information from the configuration file, /etc/mail/, to determine network name syntax, aliases, forwarding information, and network topology. By using this information, sendmail determines the route a message must follow to get to a recipient.

  4. The sendmail daemon passes the message to the appropriate system.

  5. The /usr/lib/mail.local program on the local system delivers the mail to the mailbox in the /var/mail/username directory of the recipient of the message.

  6. The recipient is notified that mail has arrived and retrieves it by using mail, mailx, mailtool, or a similar program.