What's New in the Solaris 9 Operating Environment

Network Management and System Administration

Feature Description 

UFS Logging

UFS logging is the process of storing transactions (changes that make up a complete UFS operation) in a log before the transactions are applied to the UFS file system. After a transaction is stored, the transaction can be applied to the file system later.  

UFS logging provides two advantages. It prevents file systems from becoming inconsistent, therefore eliminating the need to run fsck(1M). And, because fsck can be bypassed, UFS logging reduces the time that is required to reboot a system if it crashes, or after an unclean halt.

UFS Mount Option: -o noatime

To ignore access time updates on files, you can specify the -o noatime option when you mount a UFS file system. This option reduces disk activity on file systems where access times are unimportant (for example, a Usenet news spool).

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open-standard, platform-independent, access protocol based on the X.500 informational model. LDAP is designed to run over TCP/IP and uses simple string encodings. LDAP applications are client-server applications. The client library that is included in this release enables developers to write LDAP applications and enables users to run LDAP-enabled applications. 

SPARC: Dynamic Reconfiguration

Dynamic reconfiguration enables the service provider to add, or remove and replace, hot-pluggable system boards in a running system, eliminating the time lost in rebooting. (This feature is provided for certain SPARC systems only.) 

New Commands: pgrep and pkill

The pgrep command checks the active processes on the system and displays the process IDs of the processes with attributes that match the specified criteria on the command line. The pkill command works the same way as the pgrep command except that each matching process ID is signaled by kill(2) instead of having the process ID displayed.

Updated Version: sendmail 8.9

This version includes hooks that enable restriction of spam (unsolicited, bulk email); virtual hosting that allows email to be received using different domain names; and an improved configuration hierarchy that makes building your own sendmail configuration file much easier.

New Utility: traceroute

Solaris 7 software includes the popular traceroute utility. The traceroute utility is used to trace the route an IP packet follows to an Internet host. This utility is especially useful for determining routing misconfiguration and routing path failures.

System Crash Dump Utility

The system crash dump features include the following:

  • The dumpadm command enables system administrators to configure crash dumps of the operating system.

  • Dump data is now stored in compressed format on the dump device.

  • Saving core files is run in the background when a dedicated dump device--not the primary swap area--is part of the dump configuration.