International Language Environments Guide

Japanese Input Systems

ATOK12 is the default Japanese input system in the Solaris 9 environment. It is available for all Japanese locales and all UTF-8 locales when the Japanese locale is installed. The Wnn6 Japanese input system is also available for all Japanese locales. You can switch input systems from the Workspace menu. For Japanese Solaris 1.x BCP support, the kkcv Japanese input system is available.

The following example describes how you would input Japanese input using ATOK12.

  1. Turn conversion mode on by pressing Control + spacebar.

  2. Type Kana character text (for example kanjihenkan).

  3. Convert to kanji character by pressing the spacebar.

    To display other kanji characters, press the space bar to display the conversion candidate table. Type the number you want to select.

  4. To commit the entire text to kanji character text, press return.

    Press the down arrow key to commit only selected characters.

  5. Turn conversion mode off by pressing Control + spacebar.