Solaris WBEM Services Administration Guide

Configuration Files

The files you use to configure the SNMP Adapter for WBEM, which are located in /etc/snmp/conf/, are described in this section.

In snmpXwbem.acl, you define the access control list policies that are associated with the Adapter, in this format:

#pragma ident  "@(#)snmpXwbem.acl   1.2   01/04/18 SMI"
#Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#All rights reserved.

#        Configuration file of the SNMP subagent for WBEM

# access control #
# The list of community names needed for read/write access
# to the entire MIB.

# If the list is empty, the only valid community name is "public"
# and its access type is read-only
# A * in the managers list indicates requests can be received from
# any host.

acl = {
                communities = public, private
                access = read-only
                managers = * 

# trap parameters #
trap = {

A comma-separated list of communities and a comma-separated list of managers are allowed. The access policies are read-only. An empty trap clause is required. Traps are not supported by the Adapter in Solaris 9.

In snmpXwbem.reg, you define the Object Identifier (OID) of the subtree for which the Adapter is responsible, in this format:

#pragma ident   "@(#)snmpXwbem.reg      1.3    01/10/04 SMI"
#Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#All rights reserved.

#       Configuration file of the SNMP subagent for WBEM

# macros # 

# The following 3 macros are predefined:
#       mib-2 =
#       enterprise =
#       sun = 
# You can define your own macros, so that you can
# manipulate strings instead of OIDs in defining the agent.
# See the "agent" section below.

macros = {
        system = mib-2.1    
        hostRsrc = mib-2.25

# agent  #

# You must fill in at least the following fields:
# - name:               the name of your agent (for example, the executable
#                       file name of your agent)
# - subtrees:           the list of OIDs / subtrees of OIDs your agent
#                       supports. The listed items must be separated by
#                       a comma.
# You can also change or add the following fields:
# - timeout:            the number of micro-seconds the SNMP Relay will
#                       wait for a response from your agent
# - watch-dog-time:     the number of seconds the SNMP Relay will wait to
#                       test whether the subagent is active, if there has
#                       been no activity for the watch-dog-time interval
# - port:               the UDP port number on which you will start
#                       your agent

agents =
                name = "WBEMsubagent"
                subtrees = { system, hostRsrc }
                timeout = 20000000
                watch-dog-time = 240

The unit of measure for timeout is microseconds. The unit of measure for watch-dog-time is seconds. By default, the Master Agent tries to start the Adapter every four minutes (or number of seconds to which watch-dog-time is set).

Note –

The Master Agent automatically determines the port to be used by the Adapter.

In snmpXwbem.rsrc-, you define a pointer to the registration file and you define how the SNMP Master Agent is to start the Adapter, in this format:

#pragma ident   "@(#)snmpXwbem.rsrc-   1.2   01/04/18 SMI"
#Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#All rights reserved.

#        Configuration file of the SNMP subagent for WBEM

# agents #
resource =
                 registration_file = "/etc/snmp/conf/snmpXwbem.reg"
                 security = "/etc/snmp/conf/snmpXwbem.acl"
                 policy = "spawn"
                 type = "legacy"
                 command = "/usr/sadm/lib/wbem/snmpXwbemd -p $PORT"