Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide


WBEM client applications use the javax.wbem.client APIs to manipulate Common Information Model (CIM) objects. A client application uses the CIM API to construct an object (for example, a class, instance, or namespace) and then initializes, or instantiates, that object. The application uses the client APIs to pass the object to the CIM Object Manager and request a WBEM operation, such as creating a CIM class, instance, or namespace.

Sequence of a Client Application

Client applications typically follow this sequence:

  1. Connect to the CIM Object Manager using CIMClient. A client application connects to the CIM Object Manager each time it needs to perform a WBEM operation, such as creating a CIM class or updating a CIM instance. See “Opening and Closing a Client Connection”.

  2. Use the client APIs to request operations and perform programming tasks. The application's feature set determines which operations it needs to request. The tasks that most programs perform include creating, deleting and updating instances; enumerating objects; calling methods; retrieving class definitions; and handling errors. Client programs can also create and delete classes, and create and delete namespaces, and use qualifiers. See “Performing Basic Client Operations”.

  3. Close the client connection to the CIM Object Manager using CIMClient, to free the server resources used by the client session. See “Opening and Closing a Client Connection”.