Application Packaging Developer's Guide

How to Transfer Your Package to a Distribution Medium

  1. Build your package, creating a directory format package, if you have not already done so.

    For more information, see How to Build a Package.

  2. Install your package to verify that it installs correctly.

    See How to Install a Package on a Standalone or Server, if needed.

  3. Verify your package's integrity.

    See How to Verify the Integrity of Your Package, How to Obtain Information With the pkgparam Command, and How to Obtain Information With the pkginfo Command, if needed.

  4. Remove the installed package from the system.

    See How to Remove a Package, if needed.

  5. Transfer the package (in package format) to a distribution medium.

    To perform a basic translation, execute the following command:

    $ pkgtrans device1 device2 [pkg-abbrev...]


    Is the name of the device where the package currently resides. 


    Is the name of the device onto which the translated package will be written. 


    Is one or more package abbreviations. 

    If no package names are given, all packages residing in device1 are translated and written to device2.

    Note –

    If more than one instance of a package resides on device1, you must use an instance identifier for the package. For a description of a package identifier, see Defining a Package Instance. When an instance of the package being translated already exists on device2, the pkgtrans command does not perform the translation. You can use the -o option to tell the pkgtrans command to overwrite any existing instances on the destination device and the -n option to tell it to create a new instance if one already exists. Note that this check does not apply when device2 supports a datastream format.

Where to Go Next

At this point you have completed the steps necessary to design, build, verify, and transfer your package. If you are interested in looking at some case studies, see Chapter 5, Package Creation Case Studies. If you are interested in advanced package design ideas, see Chapter 6, Advanced Package Creation Techniques.