Solaris Advanced User's Guide

Allowing Access When Using MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

If you are using the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authorization protocol, follow these steps to allow another user access to your server:

  1. On the machine that is running the server, use xauth to extract an entry that corresponds to hostname:0 into a file.

    For this example, hostname is anyhost and the file is

    myhost% /usr/openwin/bin/xauth nextract - anyhost:0 > $HOME/
  2. Send the file that contains the entry to the user who requests access,

    Use an email tool, the rcp command, or some other file transfer method to send the file.

    Note –

    Mailing the file that contains your authorization information is a safer method than using rcp. If you do use rcp, do not place the file in a directory that is easily accessible by another user.

  3. The other user must merge the entry into his or her.Xauthority file.

    For this example, userhost merges into the other user's .Xauthority file:

    userhost% /usr/openwin/bin/xauth nmerge - <

    Note –

    The auth-data is session-specific. Therefore, it is valid only as long as the server is not restarted.