man pages section 1: User Commands
 TAB characters, expand to SPACE characters, and vice versa -- expand, unexpand ( Index Term Link )
 tables, format for nroff or troff -- tbl ( Index Term Link )
 tabs -- set tabs on a terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tail -- display last part of file ( Index Term Link )
 talk -- talk to another user ( Index Term Link )
  backspace files -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  backspace records -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  erase -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  forward space files -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  forward space records -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  get unit status -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  place unit off-line -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  retension -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  rewind -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  skip backward files -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  skip backward records -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  skip forward files -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  skip forward records -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  write EOF mark on -- mt ( Index Term Link )
 tape, magnetic
  copy, blocking preserved -- tcopy ( Index Term Link )
  manipulate -- mt ( Index Term Link )
  scan -- tcopy ( Index Term Link )
 tape archives, create -- tar ( Index Term Link )
 tar -- create tape archives, and add or extract files ( Index Term Link )
 tbl -- format tables for nroff or troff ( Index Term Link )
 tbl, remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs -- deroff ( Index Term Link )
 tcopy -- copy a magnetic tape ( Index Term Link )
 tee -- replicate the standard output ( Index Term Link )
 telnet -- user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol ( Index Term Link )
 TELNET protocol, user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol -- telnet ( Index Term Link )
  set options -- stty ( Index Term Link )
  set tabs -- tabs ( Index Term Link )
 terminal screen, -- clear ( Index Term Link )
 terminal session, make script-- script ( Index Term Link )
  get name -- tty ( Index Term Link )
  initialize a terminal or query terminfo database -- tput ( Index Term Link )
  reset bits -- reset ( Index Term Link )
  set characteristics -- tset ( Index Term Link )
  set characteristics -- stty ( Index Term Link )
 terminate a process by default -- kill ( Index Term Link )
 terminfo database, initialize a terminal or query terminfo database -- tput ( Index Term Link )
 test -- (FMLI utility) evaluates the expression expression ( Index Term Link )
 test -- evaluate condition(s) ( Index Term Link )
 test -- condition evaluation ( Index Term Link )
 text editing
  screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex -- vi ( Index Term Link )
  sed -- stream editor ( Index Term Link )
  stream editor -- sed ( Index Term Link )
 text editor
  -- ed ( Index Term Link )
  -- edit ( Index Term Link )
  -- ex ( Index Term Link )
 text files
  browse or page through a text file -- more, page ( Index Term Link )
  change format -- newform ( Index Term Link )
 text formatter, format documents for display or line-printer -- nroff ( Index Term Link )
 text processing utilities
  check spelling -- spell ( Index Term Link )
  concatenate and display files -- cat ( Index Term Link )
  display last part of file -- tail ( Index Term Link )
  pattern scanning and processing language -- awk ( Index Term Link )
  search a file for a pattern -- grep ( Index Term Link )
  search a file for a pattern using full regular expressions -- egrep ( Index Term Link )
  search file for fixed-character string -- fgrep ( Index Term Link )
  sort and/or merge files -- sort ( Index Term Link )
  split a file into pieces -- split ( Index Term Link )
  translate characters -- tr ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  underline text -- ul ( Index Term Link )
 text retrieval tools
  create message files for use by gettxt -- mkmsgs ( Index Term Link )
  retrieve text string from message database -- gettxt ( Index Term Link )
 text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter -- mp ( Index Term Link )
 tftp -- trivial file transfer program ( Index Term Link )
 the Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) -- NCA ( Index Term Link )
 the Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) -- nca ( Index Term Link )
 tilde escape commands for mail, -- mailx ( Index Term Link )
 time -- time a simple command ( Index Term Link )
  prompts for time -- cktime ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for time -- errtime ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for time -- helptime ( Index Term Link )
  validates time -- valtime ( Index Term Link )
 time a simple command -- time ( Index Term Link )
 timed event services
  display the jobs queued to run at specified times -- atq ( Index Term Link )
  reminder service -- calendar ( Index Term Link )
  remove jobs spooled by at or batch -- atrm ( Index Term Link )
  user crontab file -- crontab ( Index Term Link )
 timemanp -- frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
 times -- shell built-in function to report time usages of the current shell ( Index Term Link )
 timesysp -- frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
 timex -- time a command; report process data and system activity ( Index Term Link )
 tip -- connect to remote system ( Index Term Link )
 tnfdump -- convert binary TNF file to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 tnfxtract -- extract kernel probes output into a trace file ( Index Term Link )
 touch -- change file access and modification times ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  settime ( Index Term Link )
  touch ( Index Term Link )
 touch -- update last modified date of file ( Index Term Link )
 tplot -- graphics filters for plotters ( Index Term Link )
 tput -- initialize a terminal or query terminfo database ( Index Term Link )
 tr -- translate characters ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 trace function calls, trace application function calls to Solaris shared libraries -- apptrace ( Index Term Link )
 trace shared library procedure calls -- sotruss ( Index Term Link )
 translate characters -- tr ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 translates exportfs options to share/unshare commands -- exportfs ( Index Term Link )
 trap -- shell built-in functions to respond to (hardware) signals ( Index Term Link )
 Trivial File Transfer Protocol
  See TFTP
 troff -- typeset or format documents ( Index Term Link )
 troff utilities
  check nroff and troff files -- checknr ( Index Term Link )
  eliminate .so's from nroff input -- soelim ( Index Term Link )
  filters reverse line-feeds from two-column nroff text -- col ( Index Term Link )
  format tables -- tbl ( Index Term Link )
  formats program code -- vgrind ( Index Term Link )
  postprocessor for PostScript printers -- dpost ( Index Term Link )
  remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs -- deroff ( Index Term Link )
 true -- provide truth values ( Index Term Link )
 truss -- trace system calls and signals ( Index Term Link )
 tset -- set terminal characteristics ( Index Term Link )
 tsort -- topological sort of items mentioned in input ( Index Term Link )
 ttl -- time to live value, nischttl ( Index Term Link )
 tty, set characteristics -- stty ( Index Term Link )
 tty, set characteristics -- tset ( Index Term Link )
 tty, set options -- stty ( Index Term Link )
 tty -- get the name of the terminal ( Index Term Link )
 typeset -- shell built-in functions to set/get attributes and values for shell variables and functions ( Index Term Link )
 typeset documents -- troff ( Index Term Link )