KCMS Application Developer's Guide

Arrays of Numbers

These arrays are variable in length and type. They are implemented with the icAny constant instead of pointers. The icAny constant is a single-byte array that allows you to extend the data structure by allocating more data.


typedef struct {
     icInt8Number                            data[icAny];
 } icInt8Array;


typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number                            data[icAny];
 } icUInt8Array;


typedef struct {
     icInt16Number                            data[icAny];
 } icInt16Array;


typedef struct {
     icUInt16Number                            data[icAny];
 } icUInt16Array;


typedef struct {
     icInt32Number                            data[icAny];
 } icInt32Array;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number                            data[icAny];
 } icUInt32Array;


typedef struct {
     icInt64Number                            data[icAny];
 } icInt64Array;


typedef struct {
     icUInt64Number                            data[icAny];
 } icUInt64Array;


typedef struct {
     icS15Fixed16Number     data[icAny];
 } icS15Fixed16Array;


typedef struct {
     icU16Fixed16Number     data[icAny];
 } icU16Fixed16Array;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number          count;          /* Char count includes NULL */
     icInt8Number            desc[icAny];    /* NULL terminated string */
 } icCrdInfo;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number         count;          /* Number of entries */
     icUInt16Number         data[icAny];    /* The actual table data, real
                                             * number is determined by count
                                             * Interpretation depends on data
                                             * use with a given tag */
 } icCurve;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number          dataFlag;       /* 0 = ascii, 1 = binary */
     icInt8Number            data[icAny];    /* Data,size determined from tag */
 } icData;


/* The base date time number */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt16Number                        year;
     icUInt16Number                        month;
     icUInt16Number                        day;
     icUInt16Number                        hours;
     icUInt16Number                        minutes;
     icUInt16Number                        seconds;
 } icDateTimeNumber;


typedef struct {
     icSignature                    deviceMfg;     /* Device Manufacturer */
     icSignature                    deviceModel;   /* Decvice Model */
     icUInt64Number                 attributes;    /* Device attributes */
     icTechnologySignature          technology;    /* Technology signature */
     icInt8Number                   data[icAny];   /* Descriptions text follows */

 /*  Data that follows is of this form, this is an icInt8Number
  *  to avoid problems with a compiler generating  bad code as
  *  these arrays are variable in length.
  * icTextDescription                deviceMfgDesc;    * Manufacturer text
  * icTextDescription                modelDesc;        * Model text */

 } icDescStruct;


/* lut8, input & output tables are always 256 bytes in length */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number         inputChan;  /* Number of input channels */
     icUInt8Number         outputChan; /* Number of output channels */
     icUInt8Number         clutPoints; /* Number of clutTable grid points */
     icInt8Number          pad;
     icS15Fixed16Number    e00;        /* e00 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e01;        /* e01 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e02;        /* e02 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e10;        /* e10 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e11;        /* e11 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e12;        /* e12 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e20;        /* e20 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e21;        /* e21 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e22;        /* e22 in the 3 * 3 */
     icUInt8Number    data[icAny];     /* Data follows see spec for size */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  *  icUInt8Number    inputTable[inputChan][256];    * The input table
  *  icUInt8Number    clutTable[icAny];              * The clut table
  *  icUInt8Number    outputTable[outputChan][256];  * The output table
 } icLut8;


/* lut16 */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number         inputChan;  /* Number of input channels */
     icUInt8Number         outputChan; /* Number of output channels */
     icUInt8Number         clutPoints; /* Number of clutTable grid points */
     icInt8Number          pad;        /* Padding for byte alignment */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e00;        /* e00 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e01;        /* e01 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e02;        /* e02 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e10;        /* e10 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e11;        /* e11 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e12;        /* e12 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e20;        /* e20 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number    e21;        /* e21 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number    e22;        /* e22 in the 3 * 3 */
     icUInt16Number        inputEnt;    /* Number of input table entries */
     icUInt16Number        outputEnt;   /* Number of output table entries */
     icUInt16Number        data[icAny]; /* Data follows see spec for size */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  *  icUInt16Number    inputTable[inputChan][icAny];    * The input table
  *  icUInt16Number    clutTable[icAny];        * The clut table
  *  icUInt16Number    outputTable[outputChan][icAny];    * The output table
 } icLut16;


typedef struct {
     icStandardObserver            stdObserver;          /* Standard observer */
     icXYZNumber                   backing;              /* XYZ for backing material */
     icMeasurementGeometry         geometry;             /* Measurement geometry */
     icMeasurementFlare            flare;                /* Measurement flare */
     icIlluminant                  illuminant;           /* Illuminant */
 } icMeasurement;

Each field in icMeasurement is an enumerated type. For details on each field, see the following:


  * icNamedColor2 takes the place of icNamedColor, approved at the
  * SIGGRAPH 95, ICC meeting.
 typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number              vendorFlag;         /* Bottom 16 bits for IC use */
     icUInt32Number              count;              /* Count of named colors */
     icUInt32Number              nDeviceCoords;      /* Number of device coordinates */
     icInt8Number                prefix[32];         /* Prefix for each color name */
     icInt8Number                suffix[32];         /* Suffix for each color name */
     icInt8Number                data[icAny];        /* Named color data follows */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  * icInt8Number                 root1[32];              * Root name for first color
  * icUInt16Number               pcsCoords1[icAny];      * PCS coordinates of first color
  * icUInt16Number               deviceCoords1[icAny];   * Device coordinates of first color
  * icInt8Number                 root2[32];              * Root name for second color
  * icUInt16Number               pcsCoords2[icAny];      * PCS coordinates of first color
  * icUInt16Number               deviceCoords2[icAny];   * Device coordinates of first color
  *                                :
  *                                :
  * Repeat for name and PCS and device color coordinates up to (count-1)
  * NOTES: 
  * PCS and device space can be determined from the header.
  * PCS coordinates are icUInt16 numbers and are described in the ICC
  * specification. Only 16 bit CIELAB and CIEXYZ are allowed. The number of
  * coordinates is consistent with the headers PCS.
  * Device coordinates are icUInt16 numbers where 0x0000 represents
  * the minimum value and 0xFFFF represents the maximum value.
  * If the nDeviceCoords value is 0, this field is not given.
 } icNamedColor2;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number      count;            /* Number of descriptions */
     icUInt8Number       data[icAny];      /* Array of description struct */
 } icProfileSequenceDesc;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number       screeningFlag;     /* Screening flag */
     icUInt32Number       channels;          /* Number of channels */
     icScreeningData      data[icAny];       /* Array of screening data */
 } icScreening;


typedef struct {
     icS15Fixed16Number      frequency;        /* Frequency */
     icS15Fixed16Number      angle;            /* Screen angle */
     icSpotShape             spotShape;        /* Spot Shape encodings */
 } icScreeningData;


typedef struct {
     icInt8Number            data[icAny];      /* Variable array of chars */
 } icText;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number       count;             /* Description length */
     icInt8Number         data[icAny];       /* Descriptions follow */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  * icInt8Number          desc[count]        * NULL terminated ascii string
  * icUInt32Number        ucLangCode;        * UniCode language code
  * icUInt32Number        ucCount;           * UniCode description length
  * icInt16Number         ucDesc[ucCount];   * The UniCode description
  * icUInt16Number        scCode;            * ScriptCode code
  * icUInt8Number         scCount;           * ScriptCode count
  * icInt8Number          scDesc[67];        * ScriptCode Description
 } icTextDescription;


typedef struct {
     icInt8Number         data[icAny];        /* The Ucr BG data */
  *  Data that follows is of this form. UcrBg is a icInt8Number
  *  to avoid problems with a compiler as
  *  these are variable-length arrays.
  * icUcrBgCurve          ucr;               * Ucr curve
  * icUcrBgCurve          bg;                * Bg curve
  * icInt8Number          string;            * UcrBg description string
 } icUcrBg;


/* Structure describing either a UCR or BG curve */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number       count;           /* Curve length */
     icUInt16Number       curve[icAny];    /* The array of curve values */
 } icUcrBgCurve;


typedef struct {
     icXYZNumber         illuminant;    /* In candelas per metre sq'd */
     icXYZNumber         surround;      /* In candelas per metre sq'd */
     icIlluminant        stdIluminant;  /* See icIlluminant defines */
 } icViewingCondition;


typedef struct {
     icXYZNumber         data[icAny];    /* Variable array of XYZ numbers */
 } icXYZArray;


typedef struct {
     icS15Fixed16Number                X;
     icS15Fixed16Number                Y;
     icS15Fixed16Number                Z;
 } icXYZNumber;