KCMS CMM Reference Manual

Public Members

The KcsProfile class provides the following public members.

Table 5-2 KcsProfile Public Members

Public Member 


virtual KcsStatus 
connect(const long count, KcsProfile **sequence,
 	const KcsOperationType opAndHints,
 	KcsProfile **result,
 	long *failingProfileIndex);

Connects the list of KcsProfile's pointers passed in by the caller via the sequence parameter. Returns the new KcsProfile object result based on that list. failingProfileIndex indicates the number of the profile in the input list that failed. If element 0 in the array caused the connection to fail, 1 is returned.

static KcsProfile * 
createProfile(KcsStatus *aStat, aIO *aIO);

Constructs the correct runtime-loadable or internal KcsProfile based on the static store defined by aIO.

static KcsProfile *
createProfile(KcsStatus *Stat,
 	KcsId aCmmId = KcsProfKCMSId,
 	KcsVersion aCmmVersion = KcsProfKCMSVersionId,
 	KcsId aProfId = Kcs2Id(icMagicNumber),
 	KcsVersion aProfVersion =

Constructs the correct runtime-loadable or internal KcsProfile of aCmmId type with the aCmmVersion version using a aProfVersion profile format.

virtual KcsStatus 
evaluate(const KcsOperationType opAndHints,
 	KcsPixelLayout source, KcsPixelLayout dest,
 	KcsCallbackFunction progress);

Transforms the caller's data. Use opAndHints to indicate which transform and content type your `CMM is providing.

virtual KcsStatus 
getAttribute(KcsAttributeName aName,
 	KcsAttributeValue *aValue);

Sets aValue to the attribute's aName value.

virtual KcsStatus 
getAttribute(KcsAttributeName aName, void *data);

Sets aData to the attribute's aName value.

virtual KcsProfileFormat *

Gets the profile format. 

virtual KcsOperationType 
getOpandCont() {return(iOpAndCont);};

Returns the supported operations and content hints. 

virtual KcsXform *
getXform(KcsStatus *status,
 	const KcsXformType XfType);

Returns the transform of the XfType type.

virtual KcsStatus isLoadable();

Returns KCS_SUCCESS if meets all loadability requirements.

KcsProfile(KcsStatus *aStat);


virtual ~KcsProfile(void);

Destructor. Frees up accumulated memory by calling all member object's destructors (with delete()).

virtual KcsStatus 
optimize(const KcsOptimizationType type,
 	KcsCallbackFunction progress);

Makes profile as fast and small as possible. Specify optimization for speed or accuracy with the type parameter.

virtual KcsStatus

Propagates all the expected attributes from the profile attribute set to the attribute sets of the transforms. 

KcsStatus save(KcsIO *);

Saves to the static store indicated by aIO.

virtual KcsStatus 
setAttribute(KcsAttributeName aName,
 	KcsAttributeType aType, const char *aValue);

Sets the value of aName to aValue. aValue is interpreted as the type aType.

virtual KcsStatus 
setAttribute(KcsAttributeName aName,
 	const KcsAttributeValue *aValue);

Sets the value of aName to aValue. aValue is interpreted as the default type of aName.

virtual KcsStatus 
setAttribute(KcsAttributeName aName, void *data);

Sets the value of aName to data interpreted as the default type of aName.

virtual KcsStatus 
setOpAndCont(KcsOperationType aOpAndCont);

Sets the support operations and content hints to aOpAndCont.

virtual KcsStatus 
setXform(KcsXformType aXformId,
 	KcsXform *aXform);

Sets the aXformId to aXform. If the transform is null, removes attachment to that particular KcsXform instance, if one exists. Directly implemented by calling KcsProfileFormat::setObject().

virtual KcsStatus updateXforms(
 	KcsCharacterizationData *aChar,
 	KcsCalibrationData *aCal,
 	void *aCMMSpecificData = NULL,
 	KcsCallbackFunction aCallback = NULL);

Takes all data supplied and information contained within its KcsAttributeSet instance to determine which type of device to update. Passes aChar, aCal, aCMMSpecificData and aCallback to the appropriate update()DeviceXforms() call (where Device is Scanner|Monitor|Printer). (See Table 5-1 for descriptions of these protected members.)

long xformIsNOP(const KcsXformType);

Indicates whether the KcsXformType acts on the data passed to it. If no xform is available, returns true.