KCMS CMM Reference Manual

Public Members

The KcsIO class provides the following public members.

Table 2-3 KcsIO Public Members

Member Function 


KcsStatus absRead(const long index,
 	const long bytesWanted,
 	void *buffer,
 	const char *callersName = NULL);

Absolute read an I/O object already opened or allocated. Supply a count of number of bytes to read and a buffer.  

KcsStatus absWrite(const long index,
 	const long numBytes2Write,
 	const void *buffer,
 	const char *callersName = NULL);

Absolute write to some number of bytes in numBytes2Write from the buffer to the data store at the current position of the cursor

KcsStatus copyData(KcsIO *anotherIO);

Copies all data in I/O object to anotherIO object.

static KcsIO * createIO(KcsStatus *aStatus,
 	const KcsProfileDesc *aDesc);

Static method that creates an I/O object, by calling either a KcsIO derivative constructor within the KCMS library or a run-time loadable constructor.

KcsStatus getEOF(long *theEOF) = 0;

Returns the end-of-file (EOF) position. 

long getOffset();

Returns the permanent offset into the I/O object. 

KcsIOType getType() = 0;

Returns the type of I/O object. 

int isEqual(KcsIO *anotherIO) = 0;

Determines if this I/O object and another I/O object are working on the same data stores. The base offsets must also be the same for them to return true. 

KcsIO(KcsStatus *status,
 	const unsigned long absBaseOffset = 0);

Constructor that initializes the baseOffset data member with the values passed in.

virtual ~KcsIO();


KcsStatus relRead(const long bytesWanted,
 	void *buffer,
 	const char *callersName = NULL) = 0;

Reads bytesWanted from the I/O object from the current position of the cursor. Positions the cursor after the last byte read.

KcsStatus relWrite(const long numBytes2Write,
 	const void *buffer,
 	const char *callersName = NULL) = 0;

Relative write of the number of bytes in numBytes2Write from the buffer to the data store at the current position of the cursor. Positions the cursor after the last byte written.

KcsStatus replaceData(const unsigned long offset,
 	const unsigned long oldSize,
 	const void *buffer,
 	const unsigned long newSize,
 	const char *callersName = NULL);

Replaces bytes of different lengths in an I/O object. Specifies where to start writing and size of old and new data. If the old data is longer than the new data, the I/O object is compressed. If the new data is longer than the old data, everything after the old data is moved to the end of the I/O object. If an error occurs, the cursor is where it was before the error occurred.  

KcsStatus setCursorPos(long position,
 	const KcsIOPosition mode= KCS_OFS,
 	const char *callersName = NULL) = 0;

Sets the I/O object cursor to a caller-supplied position.

Positions the I/O object cursor to a specific spot in the object. Mode is defined by the enum KcsFilePosition.

KcsStatus setEOF(long theEOF) = 0;

Sets the EOF to a caller-supplied position. If the new EOF is greater than the old EOF, the storage for the new space is undefined. 

void setOffset(long theOffset);

Sets the base offset to a specified position.