man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 cbrt — cube root function ( Index Term Link )
 ceil — ceiling value function ( Index Term Link )
 ceiling value function — ceil ( Index Term Link )
 change or add a value to the PAM environment — pam_putenv ( Index Term Link )
 check the validity of an ACL — aclcheck ( Index Term Link )
 check whether or not Volume Management is managing a pathname — volmgt_inuse ( Index Term Link )
 check whether specific Volume Management features are enabled — volmgt_feature_enabled ( Index Term Link )
 chkauthattr — verify user authorization ( Index Term Link )
 class-dependent data translation
  — elf32_xlatetof ( Index Term Link )
  — elf64_xlatetof ( Index Term Link )
  — elf32_xlatetom ( Index Term Link )
  — elf64_xlatetom ( Index Term Link )
 clone a component — wsreg_clone_component ( Index Term Link )
 close a tnfctl handle — tnfctl_close ( Index Term Link )
 commands, open, close to and from a command — p2open, p2close ( Index Term Link )
 compile — regular expression compile and match routines ( Index Term Link )
 compute natural logarithm — log1p ( Index Term Link )
 computes exponential functions — expm1 ( Index Term Link )
 config_admin — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_ap_id_cmp — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_change_state — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_list — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_list_ext — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_private_func — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_stat — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_strerror — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_test — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 config_unload_libs — configuration administration interface ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_admin ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_ap_id_cmp ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_change_state ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_list ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_list_ext ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_private_func ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_stat ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_test ( Index Term Link )
 configuration administration interface — config_unload_libs ( Index Term Link )
 connect to a DMI service provider
  — ConnectToServer ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_copy_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_copy_object_tree ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_get_creator ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_get_hostname ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_get_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_get_object_tree ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_next_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_pack_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_previous_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_unpack_object ( Index Term Link )
 construct, read, and write extended accounting records — ea_write_object ( Index Term Link )
 control kernel tracing and process filtering
  — tnfctl_filter_list_add ( Index Term Link )
  — tnfctl_filter_list_delete ( Index Term Link )
  — tnfctl_filter_list_get ( Index Term Link )
  — tnfctl_filter_state_set ( Index Term Link )
  — tnfctl_trace_state_set ( Index Term Link )
 control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality
  — tnfctl_check_libs ( Index Term Link )
  — tnfctl_indirect_open ( Index Term Link )
 convert an ACL to or from permission bits — aclfrommode ( Index Term Link )
 convert an ACL to or from permission bits — acltomode ( Index Term Link )
 convert internal representation to or from external representation — aclfromtext ( Index Term Link )
 convert internal representation to or from external representation — acltotext ( Index Term Link )
 convert a supplied name into an absolute pathname that can be used to access removable media — media_findname ( Index Term Link )
 convert between Volume Management symbolic names, and the devices that correspond to them
  — volmgt_symdev ( Index Term Link )
  — volmgt_symname ( Index Term Link )
 coordinate CPC library and application versions — cpc_version ( Index Term Link )
 copysign — return magnitude of first argument and sign of second argument ( Index Term Link )
 cos — cosine function ( Index Term Link )
 cosh — hyperbolic cosine function ( Index Term Link )
 cosine function — cos ( Index Term Link )
 cpc — hardware performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_access — test access CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_bind_event — use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_count_sys_events — enable and disable performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_count_usr_events — enable and disable performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event — data structure to describe CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event_accum — simple difference and accumulate operations ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_event_diff — simple difference and accumulate operations ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_eventtostr — translate strings to and from events ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcciname — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcpuref — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getcpuver — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getnpic — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_getusage — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_bind_event — access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_invalidate — access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_rele — access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_pctx_take_sample — access CPU performance counters in other processes ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_rele — use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_strtoevent — translate strings to and from events ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_take_sample — use CPU performance counters on lwps ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_version — coordinate CPC library and application versions ( Index Term Link )
 cpc_walk_names — determine CPU performance counter configuration ( Index Term Link )
 cplus_demangle — decode a C++ encoded symbol name ( Index Term Link )
 create a new query — wsreg_query_create ( Index Term Link )
 create a new query — wsreg_query_free ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_arg32 ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_arg64 ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_arg ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_attr ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_cmd ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_data ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_groups ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_in_addr ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_ipc ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_ipc_perm ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_iport ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_me ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_newgroups ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_new_in_addr ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_new_process ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_new_socket ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_new_subject ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_opaque ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_path ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_process ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_process_ex ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_return32 ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_return64 ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_return ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_socket ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_subject ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_subject_ex ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record tokens — au_to_text ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create or break logical commection between import and export segments — rsm_memseg_import_connect ( Index Term Link )
 create or break logical commection between import and export segments — rsm_memseg_import_disconnect ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy a property — ptree_create_prop ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy a property — ptree_destroy_prop ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy barrier for imported segment — rsm_memseg_import_destroy_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 create or destroy barrier for imported segment — rsm_memseg_import_init_barrier ( Index Term Link )
 create or free local memory handle — rsm_create_localmemory_handle ( Index Term Link )
 create or free local memory handle — rsm_free_localmemory_handle ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component — wsreg_create_component ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component — wsreg_free_component ( Index Term Link )
 create or release a component — wsreg_free_component_array ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_alloc ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_attach_to_group ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_attach_to_object ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_free ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_free_item ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_free_object ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_match_object_catalog ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_set_group ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_set_item ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_strdup ( Index Term Link )
 create, destroy and manipulate exacct objects — ea_strfree ( Index Term Link )
 create and add node to tree and return node handle — ptree_create_and_add_node ( Index Term Link )
 create and add property to node and return property handle — ptree_create_and_add_prop ( Index Term Link )
 create DmiOctetString in dynamic memory, — newDmiOctetString ( Index Term Link )
 create DmiString in dynamic memory, — newDmiString ( Index Term Link )
 create handle for internal process probe control — tnfctl_internal_open ( Index Term Link )
 create handle for kernel probe control — tnfctl_kernel_open ( Index Term Link )
 cube root function — cbrt ( Index Term Link )