Solaris 9 12/03 Installation Guide

Using Digital Certificates for Server and Client Authentication

The WAN boot installation method can use PKCS#12 files to perform an installation over HTTPS with server or both client and server authentication. For requirements and guidelines about using PKCS#12 files, see Digital Certificate Requirements.

To use a PKCS#12 file in a WAN boot installation, you perform the following tasks.

The wanbootutil command provides options to perform the tasks in the previous list.

Before you split a PKCS#12 file, create the appropriate subdirectories of the /etc/netboot hierarchy on the WAN boot server.

Creating a Trusted Certificate and Client Private Key
  1. Assume the same user role as the web server user on the WAN boot server.

  2. Extract the trusted certificate from the PKCS#12 file. Insert the certificate in the client's truststore file in the /etc/netboot hierarchy.

    # wanbootutil p12split -i p12cert \
      -t /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/truststore

    Option to wanbootutil command that splits a PKCS#12 file into separate private key and certificate files.

    -i p12cert

    Specifies the name of the PKCS#12 file to split.

    -t /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/truststore

    Inserts the certificate in the client's truststore file. net-ip is the IP address of the client's subnet. client-ID can be a user-defined ID or the DHCP client ID.

  3. (Optional) Decide if you want to require client authentication.

    1. Insert the client certificate in the client's certstore.

      # wanbootutil p12split -i p12cert -c \
        /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/certstore -k keyfile

      Option to wanbootutil command that splits a PKCS#12 file into separate private key and certificate files.

      -i p12cert

      Specifies the name of the PKCS#12 file to split.

      -c /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/certstore

      Inserts the client's certificate in the client's certstore. net-ip is the IP address of the client's subnet. client-ID can be a user-defined ID or the DHCP client ID.

      -k keyfile

      Specifies the name of the client's SSL private key file to create from the split PKCS#12 file.

    2. Insert the private key in the client's keystore.

      # wanbootutil keymgmt -i -k keyfile \
         -s /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/keystore -o type=rsa
      keymgmt -i

      Inserts an SSL private key in the client's keystore

      -k keyfile

      Specifies the name of the client's private key file that was created in the previous step

      -s /etc/netboot/net-ip/client-ID/keystore

      Specifies the path to the client's keystore

      -o type=rsa

      Specifies the key type as RSA

Example 40–2 Creating a Trusted Certificate for Server Authentication

In the following example, you use a PKCS#12 file to install client 010003BA152A42 on subnet This command sample extracts a certificate from a PKCS#12 file that is named client.p12. The command then places the contents of the trusted certificate in the client's truststore file.

# wanbootutil p12split -i client.p12 \
   -t /etc/netboot/
# chmod 600 /etc/netboot/