System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems
 /var directory ( Index Term Link )
 verifying, nfsd daemon is running ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  adding entries to (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding swap to ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  entry for LOFS ( Index Term Link )
  mounting all files ( Index Term Link )
 viewing, CacheFS statistics ( Index Term Link )
 virtual file system table ( Index Term Link )
 virtual memory storage, definition ( Index Term Link )
 volcopy command ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt start command ( Index Term Link )
 volume management
  benefits ( Index Term Link )
   loading ( Index Term Link )
  loading diskettes (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  manual compared to automatic mounting ( Index Term Link )
  removable media
   accessing ( Index Term Link )
  restarting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  stopping (how to) ( Index Term Link )