Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.1 Tutorial

22.1 Registering Manager-Side Listeners

Like the other structures of Java DMK, the legacy notification mechanism is designed to be homogeneous from the agent to the manager side. For this reason, notification objects and listener interfaces in manager applications are identical to those on the agent side.

The symmetry of the interfaces also means that code for listeners can easily be reused without modification in either agent or manager applications. Listeners in managers are similar to those in agents, and they could even be identical objects in some management solutions. However, in most cases, manager-side listeners will receive different notifications and take different actions from their agent-side peers.

22.1.1 Agent-Side Broadcaster

The notification broadcasters are MBeans registered in an agent's MBean server to which our management application needs to connect. Only notifications sent by registered MBeans can be forwarded to manager applications, and a manager-side listener can receive them only by registering through a connector client or a proxy object.

Other notification broadcasters can exist independently in the manager application, but listeners need to register directly with these local broadcasters. Nothing prevents a listener object from registering both with a connector client or proxy for remote notifications and with a local broadcaster.

The code example below shows how the sample NotificationEmitter MBean sends notifications (the code for its MBean interface has been omitted). It extends the NotificationBroadcasterSupport class to reuse all of its listener registration facilities. It only contains one operation that can be called by our manager to trigger any number of notifications.

Example 22–1 Agent-Side Broadcaster MBean


public class NotificationEmitter
    extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport
    implements NotificationEmitterMBean {

    // Just to make the inheritance explicit
    public NotificationEmitter() {

    // Provide details about the notification type and class that is sent
    public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo() {
        MBeanNotificationInfo[] ntfInfoArray = new MBeanNotificationInfo[1];
        String[] ntfTypes = new String[1];
        ntfTypes[0] = myType;
        ntfInfoArray[0] = new MBeanNotificationInfo( ntfTypes,
            "Notifications sent by the NotificationEmitter");
        return ntfInfoArray;

    // The only operation: sends any number of notifications
    // whose sequence numbers go from 1 to "nb"
    public void sendNotifications( Integer nb ) {

        for (int i=1; i<=nb.intValue(); i++) {
            sendNotification(new Notification(myType, this, i));
    private String myType = "notification.my_notification";

Our MBean invents a notification type string and exposes this information through the getNotificationInfo method. To demonstrate the forwarding mechanism, we are more interested in the sequence number, which enables us to identify the notifications as they are received in the manager.

This MBean demonstrates that the broadcaster has total control over the contents of its notifications. Constructors for the Notification object enable you to specify all of the fields, even ones such as the time stamp. In this example, we control the sequence number and our chosen policy is to reset the sequence number to 1 with every call to the operation. Of course, you are free to choose the notification contents, including the time-stamping and sequence-numbering policies that fit your management solution.

Note –

Due to possible loss in the communication layer and the inherent indeterminism of thread execution, the legacy notification model does not guarantee that remote notifications will be received nor that their sequence will be preserved. If notification order is critical to your application, your broadcaster should set the sequence numbers appropriately, and your listeners should sort the received notifications.

22.1.2 Manager-Side Listener

In our simple example, the Client class itself is the listener object. Usually, a listener would be a separate instance of a special listener class and depending on the complexity of the manager, there might be several classes of listeners, each for a specialized category of notifications.

Example 22–2 The Manger-Side Listener

public class Client implements NotificationListener {

    [...] // Constructor omitted

    // Implementation of the NotificationListener interface  
    public void handleNotification(Notification notif, Object handback) {

        System.out.println("Client: received a notification of type "
            + notif.getType() + "\nwith the sequence number "
            + notif.getSequenceNumber());
    [...]  // main omitted

As explained in the notification mechanism 8.1 Overview of Notifications, a listener on the agent side is typically an MBean that receives notifications about the status of other MBeans and then processes or exposes this information in some manner. Only if a key value or some management event is observed will this information be passed to a listening manager, probably by sending a different notification.

In this manner, the notification model reduces the communication that is necessary between agents and managers. Your management solution determines how much decisional power resides in the agent and when situations are escalated. These parameters will affect your design of the notification flow between broadcasters, listeners, agents, and managers.

The usual role of a manager-side listener is to process the important information in a notification and take the appropriate action. As we shall see, our notification example is much simpler. Our goal is not to construct a real-world example, but to demonstrate the mechanisms that are built into the Java DMK.

22.1.3 Adding a Listener Through the Connector

By extension of the ClientNotificationHandler interface, the RemoteMBeanServer interface exposes methods for adding and removing listeners. The signatures of these methods are identical to those of the agent-side MBeanServer interface. The only difference is that they are implemented in the connector client classes that make the communication protocol transparent.

Our manager application uses the RMI protocol connector. After creating the connector client object, we use the methods of its RemoteMBeanServer interface to create our broadcaster MBean and then register as a listener to this MBean's notifications.

Example 22–3 Adding a Listener through the Connector

// Use RMI connector on port 8086 to communicate with the agent
System.out.println(">>> Create an RMI connector client");
RmiConnectorClient connectorClient = new RmiConnectorClient();

// agentHost was read from the command line or defaulted to localhost
RmiConnectorAddress rmiAddress = new RmiConnectorAddress(
    agentHost, 8086, com.sun.jdmk.ServiceName.RMI_CONNECTOR_SERVER);

// Wait 1 second for connecting

// Create the MBean in the agent
ObjectName mbean = new ObjectName ("Default:name=NotificationEmitter");
connectorClient.createMBean("NotificationEmitter", mbean);

// Now add ourselves as the listener (no filter, no handback)
connectorClient.addNotificationListener(mbean, this, null, null);

You can see how similar this code is to the agent application by comparing it with the code example for 8.2.3 Adding a Listener Through the MBean Server.

If you have generated and instantiated proxy MBeans for your broadcaster MBeans, you can also register through the addNotificationListener method that they expose.

Again, the method signatures defined in a proxy MBean are identical to those of the MBeanServer or NotificationBroadcasterClient interfaces for adding or removing listeners. See the code example for 8.3.3 Adding a Listener Directly to an MBean. Listeners added through a proxy MBean receives the same notifications as listeners added to the same MBean through the interface of the connector client.

Note –

Following the Java programming model, the connector client limits its resource usage by only running one thread to notify all of its listeners. This thread calls all of the handler callback methods that have been added through this connector. Therefore, the callbacks should return quickly and use safe programming to avoid crashing the connector client.