Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Technical Overview

Publishing to a Topic Destination

The following figure shows how destinations are created and replicated in a cluster when a client publishes a message to a topic destination that is created by the administrator.

Figure 4–5 Replication of Destinations in a Cluster: Publishing to a Topic

Figure showing the propagation of destinations in a cluster.
Detailed explanation follows in text.

  1. The administrator creates the physical topic destination TY. The admin-created destination TY is replicated throughout the broker cluster (before the destination is used).

  2. Publisher PubTY, sends a message to topicTY.

  3. The home broker, BrokerY, persists any messages published to TY and routes the messages to all topic subscribers that match the selection criteria for this message. In this example C1TY and C2TY are subscribed to topicTY.