Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

loghistory [index [+|-]n] [pause n]

Use the loghistory command without subcommands to display the history of all events logged in the RSC event buffer. These events include server reset events and all RSC commands that change the state of the system. You can also use the command abbreviation lhist.

Use the following subcommands to control loghistory display.

index [+|-]n

Use the index subcommand to designate a buffer position at which to begin the display, as follows:

The origin of counting is 1; that is, index +1 indicates the first line in the buffer, index -1 indicates the last. For example:

rsc> loghistory index -30

This command prints the last 30 lines and any additional lines that were appended to the buffer between the time that the command began execution and the time that it terminated.

pause n

Use the pause subcommand to display n lines of the log at a time (similar to the more command). The value of n must be a decimal integer. The default is to display the entire RSC log without pausing.

Each event recorded in the log has the following format:


EVENTID is a unique identifier for the event, TIME is the time the event occurred (as measured by RSC time), and message is a user-friendly description of the event.

The following is an example event log entry:

FRI JAN 01 07:33:03 1999 sst4828: 00060003: "RSC System booted"