Sun Remote System Control (RSC) User's Guide

Modem Initialization Strings

Use the modem initialization strings for pagers 1 and 2 to allow RSC to set modem parameters required by the paging service during modem setup. The initialization string consists of attention (AT) commands.

The variables page_init1 and page_init2 have a maximum length of 15 characters, and are not stored in the modem's NVRAM. Settings in the page_init1 and page_init2 variables complement or override the settings you store in the modem's NVRAM memory using the rscadm modem_setup command. Note that if you use a different phone number or paging service for pagers 1 and 2, you may need to enter different initialization strings for each pager.

See "Setting Up the MultiTech Modem" for the MultiTech II modem initialization string, and see "Setting Up the Courier V.Everything Modem" for the Courier V.Everything modem initialization string.