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Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q1 Developer's Guide 

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



AbstractRealm class  1

ACC  1

asenv configuration settings  1

naming  1

security  1

ACC clients

appclient script  1

deploying  1

invoking a JMS resource  1

invoking an EJB component  1

making a remote call  1

module definition  1

package-appclient script  1

preparing the client machine  1

running  1

SSL  1

using SSL with CA  1

action attribute  1

activation-config element  1

activation-config-property element  1

activation-config-property-name element  1

activation-config-property-value element  1

address attribute  1


and connections  1

and default JMS host  1

administered objects  1

and connectors  1

Administration Console

about  1

changing servlet output  1

configuring a default virtual server  1

configuring the web container  1

setting the connector shutdown timeout  1

setting the default locale  1

setting verbose mode  1

using for autodeployment  1

using for deployment  1

using for dynamic reloading  1

using for HPROF configuration  1

using for lifecycle module deployment  1, 2

using for Optimizeit configuration  1

using to add to the server classpath  1

using to associate a connector with a thread pool  1

using to configure audit modules  1

using to configure JACC providers  1

using to configure realms  1

using to configure the JMS Service  1

using to configure the transaction service  1

using to create a custom resource  1

using to create a JavaMail session  1

using to create a JDBC connection pool  1

using to create a JDBC resource  1

using to create an external JNDI resource  1

using to create JMS hosts  1

using to create JMS resources  1

using to create physical destinations  1

using to create security maps  1

using to create thread pools  1

using to deploy and configure a connector  1, 2

using to disable modules and applications  1

using to enable debugging  1

using to ping a JDBC connection pool  1

agent attribute  1

allow-concurrent-access element  1

allowLinking property  1


about  1

MBeans  1

proxies  1

Ant  1, 2

ANT_HOME environment variable  1

Apache Ant  1, 2

and deployment descriptor verification  1, 2

Sun Java System Application Server specific tasks  1

using for deployment  1

using for JSP precompilation  1

using for server administration  1

API reference

JavaBeans  1

JSP 2.0 specification  1

servlets  1

appclient script  1, 2

modifying  1

appclient.jar file  1

contents  1

Application Client Container see ACC

Application Server Management eXtensions see AMX

application.xml file  1

application-client.xml file  1


definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

examples  1

naming  1

runtime environment  1

security  1, 2

see also modules

AppservPasswordLoginModule class  1

appserv-rt.jar file  1

appserv-tags.jar file  1

appserv-tags.tld file  1

asadmin command  1

asadmin create-admin-object command  1

asadmin create-audit-module command  1

asadmin create-auth-realm command  1

asadmin create-connector-connection-pool command  1, 2

asadmin create-connector-resource command  1

asadmin create-connector-security-map command  1

asadmin create-custom-resource command  1

asadmin create-javamail-resource command  1

asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool command  1

asadmin create-jdbc-resource command  1

asadmin create-jmsdest command  1

asadmin create-jms-host command  1

asadmin create-jms-resource command  1

asadmin create-jndi-resource command  1

asadmin create-lifecycle-module command  1, 2

asadmin create-resource-adapter-config command  1, 2, 3

asadmin create-threadpool command  1

asadmin deploy command  1, 2

--force option  1

--precompilejsp option  1

asadmin deploydir command  1, 2

asadmin get command  1, 2

asadmin get-client-stubs command  1, 2, 3

asadmin ping-connection-pool command  1

asadmin set command  1, 2

asant script  1, 2

as-context element  1

asenv configuration settings  1

asenv.conf file  1

asinstalldir attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


of EJB components  1

overview  1

audit modules  1

AuditModule class  1


JMS  1

realm  1

single sign-on  1

auth-layer attribute  1

auth-method element  1

authorization roles  1

auth-realm element  1

auth-recipient attribute  1, 2

auth-source attribute  1, 2, 3

autodeployment  1

automatic schema generation  1

options  1

availability-enabled attribute  1


BaseCache cacheClassName value  1

bean-cache element  1

bean-pool element  1

bin directory  1

BLOB support  1

Bootstrap Classloader  1

Borland web site  1

BoundedMultiLruCache cacheClassName value  1

build.xml file  1, 2


cache element  1

cache for JSP files  1

cache for servlets  1

default configuration  1

example configuration  1

helper class  1, 2

cache management for EJB components  1

cache tag  1

cacheClassName property  1, 2

cache-helper element  1

CacheHelper interface  1, 2

cache-helper-ref element  1

cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds element  1

cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property  1, 2

cache-mapping element  1

cache-on-match attribute  1, 2

cache-on-match-failure attribute  1, 2

caller-propagation element  1

call-property element  1

capture-schema command  1

cascade attribute  1

cert-db element  1

certificate realm  1

cert-nickname attribute  1

charset attribute  1

check-all-at-commit element  1

checkInterval property  1

check-modified-at-commit element  1

checkpoint-at-end-of-method element  1

checkpointed-methods element  1

check-version-of-accessed-instances element  1

classdebuginfo property  1

classloader delegation model  1

class-loader element  1, 2, 3

classloaders  1

delegation hierarchy  1

isolation  1

isolation, circumventing  1

class-name attribute  1, 2

classname attribute  1

classpath attribute  1

classpath property  1

classpath, server, changing  1

classpathref attribute  1

classpath-suffix attribute  1

client JAR file  1, 2

client.policy file  1

client-container element  1

client-credential element  1

clients, stand-alone  1

invoking a JMS resource  1

invoking an EJB component  1

making a remote call  1, 2

running  1, 2

CLOB support  1

CloudScape Type4 JDBC driver  1

cmp element  1

cmp-field-mapping element  1

cmp-resource element  1, 2

cmr-field-mapping element  1

cmr-field-name element  1

cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property  1

cmt-timeout-in-seconds element  1

column-name element  1

column-pair element  1

command attribute  1

commandfile attribute  1

command-line server configuration see asadmin command

commit options  1

commit-option element  1

Common Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1

common-ant.xml file  1

compiler property  1

compiling JSP files  1

component subelement  1

confidentiality element  1

connection factories, JNDI subcontexts for  1

connection factory  1

ConnectionFactory interface  1

Connector Classloader  1, 2

connectors  1

administered objects  1

and JDBC  1

and JMS  1

and message-driven beans  1

and transactions  1

configuration options  1

configuring  1

connection pools  1

deploying  1

deployment  1

embedded  1

inbound connectivity  1

invalid connections  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

last agent optimization  1

module definition  1

redeployment  1

resources  1

shutdown timeout  1

Sun Java System Application Server support  1

testing connection pools  1

thread pools  1

consistency element  1

constraint-field element  1

constraint-field-value element  1

container-managed persistence  1

configuring 1.1 finders  1

data type for mapping  1

deployment descriptor  1

mapping  1

performance features  1

prefetching  1

resource manager  1

restrictions  1

support  1

version consistency  1

context root  1

context, for JNDI naming  1

contextroot attribute  1, 2

context-root element  1

cookieComment property  1

cookieDomain property  1

cookieMaxAgeSeconds property  1

cookiePath property  1

cookie-properties element  1

CosNaming naming service  1

createtables attribute  1

create-tables-at-deploy element  1

crossContextAllowed property  1

custom resource  1


DAS, connecting to  1

data types for mapping  1

database schema, capturing  1


as transaction resource managers  1

supported  1, 2

database-vendor-name element  1

DB2 lock-when-loaded limitation  1

.dbschema file  1

dbvendorname attribute  1

debugging  1, 2


enabling  1

generating a stack trace  1

JPDA options  1

default element  1

default virtual server  1

default web module  1, 2

default-charset attribute  1

default-client-provider attribute  1

default-helper element  1

default-locale attribute  1

default-provider attribute  1

default-resource-principal element  1

default-web.xml file  1

delegate attribute  1

delegation model for classloaders  1

delegation, classloader  1

demoJmx method  1

demoQuery method  1


directory deployment  1

disabling deployed applications and modules  1, 2

dynamic  1

errors during  1

forcing  1

JSR 88  1, 2

module vs. application based  1

of ACC clients  1

of connectors  1

of EJB components  1

of lifecycle modules  1

of web applications  1

overview  1

read-only beans  1

redeployment  1

standard J2EE descriptors  1

Sun Java System Application Server descriptors  1, 2

tools for  1

undeploying an application or module  1, 2

using Apache Ant  1

using the Administration Console  1

verifying descriptor correctness  1

deployment descriptor files  1

deploymentplan attribute  1

deploytool  1, 2, 3

description element  1

destdir attribute  1


destination resources  1

physical  1

destroy method  1

development environment, creating  1

tools for developers  1

development property  1

directory deployment  1

directory property  1

dispatcher element  1

displayAllAttributes method  1

displayAllProperties method  1

displayAMX method  1, 2

displayWild method  1


overview  1

doGet method  1

Domain Administration Server see DAS

domain attribute  1

domain.xml file

application configuration  1

configuring single sign-on  1

keeping stubs  1

module configuration  1

stack trace generation  1

System Classloader  1, 2

doPost method  1

dropandcreatetables attribute  1

droptables attribute  1

drop-tables-at-undeploy element  1

DTD files  1

location of  1

dumpSmap property  1


deployment  1

reloading  1

dynamic-reload-interval attribute  1


EJB 2.1 changes, summary  1

EJB Classloader  1

EJB components

assembling  1

calling from a different application  1

deploying  1

elements  1

flushing  1

generated source code  1

module definition  1

pooling  1, 2

remote bean invocations  1

security  1

thread pools  1

ejb element  1

EJB QL queries  1

EJB Timer Service  1

ejb-jar.xml file  1, 2

ejb-name element  1

ejbPassivate  1


ejb-ref element  1, 2

ejb-ref mapping, using JNDI name instead  1

ejb-ref-name element  1

elements in XML files  1

enableCookies property  1

enabled attribute  1, 2

enablePooling property  1

enableURLRewriting property  1


of JSP files  1

of servlets  1

endpoint-address-uri element  1

enterprise-beans element  1

entity-mapping element  1

env-classpath-ignored attribute  1

error pages  1

errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute property  1

errors during deployment  1

error-url attribute  1, 2

establish-trust-in-client element  1

establish-trust-in-target element  1

events, server life cycle  1

example applications  1

explicitcommand attribute  1

external JNDI resource  1

extra-class-path attribute  1


fail-all-connections property  1


JMS connection  1

fetched-with element  1

field-name element  1

file attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

file realm  1

fileset subelement  1

finder element  1

finder limitation for Sybase  1

finder methods  1

flat transactions  1

flush tag  1

flush-at-end-of-method element  1

flushing of EJB components  1

force attribute  1, 2

forcing deployment  1

fork property  1

form-hint-field attribute  1


genStrAsCharArray property  1

getCharacterEncoding method  1

getCmdLineArgs method  1

getData method  1

getEventType method  1

getHeaders method  1

getInitialContext method  1, 2

getInstallRoot method  1

getInstanceName method  1

getLifecycleEventContext method  1

getParameter method  1

getReader method  1

group-name element  1

groups in realms  1


handleEvent method  1

handleList method  1

handling requests  1

header management  1

host attribute  1, 2, 3

HPROF profiler  1

HTTP sessions  1

cookies  1

session managers  1

URL rewriting  1

http-method element  1

HttpServletRequest  1


IBM DB2 JDBC driver  1, 2

idempotent-url-pattern element  1

ieClassId property  1

IIOP/SSL configuration  1

IMAP4 protocol  1

inbound connectivity  1

Inet MSSQL JDBC driver  1

Inet Oracle JDBC driver  1, 2, 3

Inet Sybase JDBC driver  1

Informix Type4 JDBC driver  1

init method  1


InitialContext naming service handle  1

installation  1

instantiating servlets  1

integrity element  1

internationalization  1

Interoperable Naming Service  1

InvokerServlet  1

ior-security-config element  1

is-cache-overflow-allowed element  1

is-failure-fatal attribute  1, 2

isolation of classloaders  1, 2

is-one-one-cmp element  1

is-read-only-bean element  1, 2



security model  1

standard deployment descriptors  1

J2EE Connector 1.5 architecture  1

J2EE tutorial  1

J2SE policy file  1


JAR Extension Mechanism Architecture  1

JAR file

client, for a deployed application  1, 2

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)  1

Java Authorization Contract for Containers

see JACC

Java Database Connectivity see JDBC

Java Management Extensions see JMX

Java Message Service see JMS

Java Naming and Directory Interface see JNDI

Java optional package mechanism  1

Java Platform Debugger Architecture see JPDA

Java Servlet API  1

Java Transaction API (JTA)  1

Java Transaction Service (JTS)  1

JavaBeans  1

java-config element  1, 2

Javadocs  1

javaEncoding property  1


and JNDI lookups  1

architecture  1

creating sessions  1

defined  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

session properties  1

specification  1

java-method element  1


connection pool, creating  1

Connection wrapper  1

creating resources  1

integrating driver JAR files  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

non-transactional connections  1

sharing connections  1

specification  1

supported drivers  1, 2

transaction isolation levels  1

tutorial  1


JMS  1, 2

and transactions  1

authentication  1

checking if provider is running  1

configuring  1

connection failover  1

connection pooling  1

creating hosts  1

creating resources  1

debugging  1

default host  1

JMS Service administration  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

provider  1

restarting the client  1

SOAP messages  1

system connector for  1

transactions and non-persistent messages  1

jms-durable-subscription-name element  1

jms-max-messages-load  1

jmsra system JMS connector  1

JMX  1


and EJB components  1

and JavaMail  1

and lifecycle modules  1, 2, 3

custom resource  1

defined  1

external JNDI resources  1

for message-driven beans  1

mapping references  1

name, for container-managed persistence  1

subcontexts for connection factories  1

tutorial  1

using instead of ejb-ref mapping  1

jndi-name element  1

join tables  1

JPDA debugging options  1

JSP 2.0 specification  1

JSP Engine Classloader  1

JSP files

API reference  1

caching  1

command-line compiler  1

configuring  1

encoding of  1

generated source code  1

precompiling  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

tag libraries  1

jspc command  1

jsp-config element  1, 2

JSR 88 deployment  1, 2


-keepgenerated flag  1, 2

keepgenerated property  1

key attribute

of cache tag  1

of flush tag  1

key-field element  1


last agent optimization  1, 2

ldap realm  1

level attribute  1

level element  1

lib directory

and ACC clients  1

and Apache Ant  1

and the Common Classloader  1

DTD file location  1

for a web application  1

libraries  1, 2

lifecycle modules  1

allocating and freeing resources  1

and classloaders  1

and the server.policy file  1

deploying  1

deployment  1

naming environment  1

LifecycleEvent class  1

LifecycleEventContext interface  1

LifecycleListener interface  1 file  1

LifeCycleModule Classloader  1, 2

locale attribute  1

locale, setting default  1

locale-charset-info element  1

locale-charset-map element  1

localpart element  1

lock-when-loaded consistency level  1

lock-when-loaded element  1

lock-when-modified element  1

log-file attribute  1

logging  1

ACC clients messages  1

in the web container  1

login method  1

login, programmatic  1

login-config element  1

LoginModule  1

log-service element  1

LruCache cacheClassName value  1


managed fields  1

manager-properties element  1

mappedfile property  1

mapping for container-managed persistence

considerations  1

data types  1

features  1

mapping resource references  1

mapping-properties element  1

match-expr attribute  1

max-cache-size element  1

max-entries attribute  1

max-pool-size element  1

maxSessions property  1

MaxSize property  1

max-wait-time-in-millis element  1

MBeans  1

accessing  1

attributes  1

configuration  1

displaying attributes  1

displaying hierarchy  1

displaying name and type  1

J2EE management  1

listing properties  1

monitoring  1

notifications  1

other types  1

proxies  1

querying  1

undeploying  1

using to stop a server instance  1

utility  1

MDB file samples  1

mdb-connection-factory element  1, 2, 3

mdb-resource-adapter element  1

message element  1

message security  1

application-specific  1

monitoring  1

responsibilities  1

sample application  1

message-destination element  1

message-destination-name element  1

message-driven beans  1, 2

administering  1

connection factory  1

monitoring  1

onMessage runtime exception  1

pool monitoring  1

pooling  1

restrictions  1

sample XML files  1

using with connectors  1

messages, JavaMail

reading  1

sending  1

message-security element  1

message-security-binding element  1

message-security-config element  1

MessageTransformer utility  1, 2

method element  1

method-intf element  1

method-name element  1

method-param element  1

method-params element  1

Migration Tool  1

MM MySQL Type4 JDBC driver  1

modificationTestInterval property  1


definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

individual deployment of  1

invoking an EJB component  1

lifecycle  1

naming  1

runtime environment  1

see also applications

monitoring in the web container  1

MSSQL Inet JDBC driver  1

MSSQL version consistency triggers  1

MSSQL/SQL Server2000 Data Direct JDBC driver  1

MultiLruCache cacheClassName value  1

MultiLRUSegmentSize property  1


name element  1

named-group element  1

namespaceURI element  1

naming service  1

native library path

configuring for hprof  1

configuring for OptimizeIt  1

nested transactions  1

NetBeans  1

nocache attribute of cache tag  1

none element  1


Oasis Web Services Security

see message security

one-one-finders element  1

onMessage  1

operation-name element  1

Optimizeit profiler  1

Oracle automatic mapping of date and time fields  1

Oracle Data Direct JDBC driver  1

Oracle Inet JDBC driver  1, 2, 3

Oracle OCI JDBC driver  1

Oracle Thin/Type4 Driver, workaround for  1

Oracle Thin/Type4 JDBC driver  1

oracle-xa-recovery-workaround property  1

output from servlets  1


package attribute  1

package-appclient script  1, 2, 3

packaging see assembly

parameter-encoding element  1

pass-by-reference element  1, 2

pass-by-value semantics  1

password element  1

path attribute  1


changing in server.policy  1

default in server.policy  1

persistence-type attribute  1

physical destinations  1

plugin tag  1

pm-descriptors element  1

PointBase JDBC driver  1

pool monitoring for MDBs  1

pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds element  1

pooling  1

POP3 protocol  1

port attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

port-component-name element  1

port-info element  1

precompilejsp attribute  1, 2

--precompilejsp option  1

precompiling JSP files  1

prefetch-disabled element  1

prefetching  1

primary key  1, 2

principal element  1

principal-name element  1

profilers  1

programmatic login  1

ProgrammaticLogin class  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission permission  1

properties, about  1, 2

property element  1, 2

provider-config element  1

provider-id attribute  1, 2

provider-type attribute  1

proxies, AMX  1


query-filter element  1

query-method element  1

query-ordering element  1

query-params element  1

query-variables element  1

Queue interface  1

QueueConnectionFactory interface  1


ra.xml file  1

read-only beans  1, 2, 3

deploying  1

refreshing  1

read-only element  1

ReadOnlyBeanNotifier  1


realm attribute  1

realm element  1

realms  1

application-specific  1

configuring  1

custom  1

mapping groups and users to  1

supported  1

reapIntervalSeconds property  1

redeployment  1

refresh attribute of cache tag  1

refresh-field element  1

refresh-period-in-seconds element  1, 2

relativeRedirectAllowed property  1

.reload file  1

reloading, dynamic  1

removal-timeout-in-seconds element  1

removing servlets  1

request object  1

request-policy element  1

request-protection element  1

required element  1

resize-quantity element  1

resource adapters see connectors

resource managers  1

resource references, mapping  1

resource-adapter-mid element  1, 2

resource-env-ref element  1, 2

resource-env-ref-name element  1

resource-ref element  1, 2

response-policy element  1

response-protection element  1

res-ref-name element  1

res-sharing-scope deployment descriptor setting  1

retrievestubs attribute  1, 2

reuseSessionID property  1

rmic-options attribute  1

role-name element  1

roles  1


sample applications  1

sample XML files  1

sas-context element  1

schema capture  1

schema element  1

schema example  1

schema generation, automatic  1

options  1

schema-generator-properties element  1

scope attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

scratchdir property  1

secondary table  1, 2

secondary-table element  1

security  1

ACC  1

applications  1

audit modules  1

declarative  1

EJB components  1

goals  1

J2EE model  1


JMS  1

message security  1

of containers  1

programmatic  1

programmatic login  1

roles  1

server.policy file  1

Sun Java System Application Server features  1

using SSL with CA  1

web applications  1

security element  1

security map  1

security-role-mapping element  1

send-password attribute  1


changing the classpath of  1

installation  1

lib directory of  1, 2, 3, 4

life cycle events  1

optimizing for development  1

stopping an instance using an MBean  1

Sun Java System Application Server deployment descriptors  1, 2

using Ant scripts to control  1

value-added features  1

server.policy file  1

and lifecycle modules  1

changing permissions  1

default permissions  1

Optimizeit profiler options  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission  1

server-classpath attribute  1

ServerLifecycleException  1

service method  1

service-endpoint-interface element  1

service-impl-class element  1

service-qname element  1

service-ref element  1

service-ref-name element  1

Servlet 2.4 specification  1

servlet element  1

ServletContext.log messages  1

servlet-impl-class element  1

servlet-name element  1

servlets  1

API reference  1

caching  1

character encoding  1

destroying  1

engine  1

instantiating  1

invoking using a URL  1

output  1

removing  1

request handling  1

specification  1

session beans  1

container for  1

optimizing performance  1

restrictions  1

session managers  1

session-config element  1

sessionFilename property  1

session-manager element  1

session-properties element  1


and dynamic redeployment  1

and dynamic reloading  1

session-timeout element  1

setCharacterEncoding method  1

setContentType method  1

setLocale method  1

setMonitoring method  1

setting the ORB port  1

setTransactionIsolation method  1


Simple Object Access Protocol see SOAP

single sign-on  1

singleThreadedServletPoolSize property  1

SMTP protocol  1

SOAP messages  1

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)  1


patches  1

support  1

solaris realm  1

srcdir attribute  1

ssl element  1

ssl2-ciphers attribute  1

ssl2-enabled attribute  1

ssl3-enabled attribute  1

ssl3-tls-ciphers attribute  1

stack trace, generating  1


stateful session beans  1

stateless session beans  1

steady-pool-size element  1

store-properties element  1

stub-property element  1


directory for  1, 2

keeping  1, 2, 3

retrieving after deployment  1

Sun Java System Message Queue  1, 2, 3

checking to see if running  1

connector for  1

varhome directory  1

sun-acc.xml file  1, 2, 3

editing  1

elements in  1

sun-application element  1

sun-application.xml file  1, 2

elements in  1

example of  1

sun-application_1_4-0.dtd file  1, 2

sun-application-client element  1

sun-application-client.xml file  1, 2

elements in  1

sun-application-client_1_4-1.dtd file  1, 2

sun-application-client-container_1_0.dtd file  1, 2

sun-appserv-admin task  1

sun-appserv-component task  1

sun-appserv-deploy task  1

sun-appserv-jspc task  1

sun-appserv-undeploy task  1

sun-appserv-update task  1

sun-cmp-mapping element  1

sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd file  1, 2

sun-cmp-mappings element  1

sun-cmp-mappings.xml file  1, 2, 3

elements in  1

example of  1

sun-ejb-jar element  1

sun-ejb-jar.xml file  1, 2

elements in  1

example of  1

sample  1

sun-ejb-jar_2_1-1.dtd file  1, 2

sunhome attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

sun-ra.xml file  1

sun-web.xml file  1, 2, 3

and classloaders  1, 2

elements in  1

example of  1

sun-web-app element  1

sun-web-app_2_4-1.dtd file  1, 2

supportsTransactionIsolationLevel method  1

suppressSmap property  1


finder limitation  1

lock-when-loaded limitation  1

Sybase Data Direct JDBC driver  1

Sybase Inet JDBC driver  1

Sybase JConnect/Type4 JDBC driver  1

System Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1


table-name element  1

tag libraries  1

tags for JSP caching  1

target-server element  1

tasks, Apache Ant  1

tempdir property  1


thread pools

and connectors  1

for bean invocation scheduling  1

tie-class element  1

timeout attribute of cache tag  1

timeout element  1

timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

timeoutSeconds property  1

tls-enabled attribute  1


for deployment  1

for developers, general  1

Topic interface  1

TopicConnectionFactory interface  1

transactions  1

administering  1

administration and monitoring  1

and EJB components  1

and non-persistent JMS messages  1

commit options  1

configuring  1

flat  1

global  1

in the J2EE tutorial  1

JDBC isolation levels  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

local  1

local or global scope of  1

logging for recovery  1

monitoring  1

nested  1

resource managers  1

timeouts  1

transaction-support property  1

transport-config element  1

transport-guarantee element  1

trimSpaces property  1

type attribute  1, 2, 3, 4


unique-id element  1

uniquetablenames attribute  1

upload attribute  1

URI, configuring for an application  1

uribase attribute  1

uriroot attribute  1

URL rewriting  1

URL, JNDI subcontext for  1

url-pattern element  1

usePrecompiled property  1

user attribute  1, 2, 3

useResponseCTForHeaders property  1

user-name attribute  1

users in realms  1

use-thread-pool-id element  1, 2

use-unique-table-names property  1, 2

utility classes  1, 2, 3


value attribute  1

value element  1

varhome directory  1

verbose attribute  1

verbose mode  1

verifier tool  1

verify attribute  1, 2

version consistency  1

version consistency triggers  1

victim-selection-policy element  1

virtual servers  1

default  1

virtualservers attribute  1


web applications  1

deploying  1

module definition  1

security  1

Web Classloader  1

changing delegation in  1, 2

web container, configuring  1

web element  1

web module, default  1, 2

Web Services Security

see message security

web.xml file  1

webapp attribute  1

webservice-description element  1

webservice-description-name element  1

webservice-endpoint element  1

web-uri element  1

wsdl-override element  1

wsdl-port element  1

wsdl-publish-location element  1


see message security


XA resource  1

XML files

sample  1

XML specification  1, 2

XML syntax verifier  1

xpoweredBy property  1

-Xrs option and debugging  1

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Part No: 819-0079.   Copyright 2004 - 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.