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User Commandscreate-domain(1)


 create-domain - creates a domain with the given name


 create-domain [--domaindir domain_directory/domains] --adminport port_number --admin.jmxport port_number --adminuser admin_user [--passwordfile passwordfile] [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--instanceport port_number] [--domainproperties (name=value)[:name=value]*] [--savemasterpassword=false] domain_name


Use the create-domain command to create a domain containing an instance that can administer itself. By creating a domain, an administration server is created in a directory named as the domain name. If you create a domain in a non-default directory, the domain will not be automatically shutdown during uninstallation. The --adminpassword option has been deprecated, use the --passwordfile option instead. To maintain high security, omit the --passwordfile from the command line and allow the system to prompt you for these options.

This command is supported in local mode only.



The directory where the domain is to be created. If specified, the path must be accessible in the filesystem. If not specified, the domain is created in the default domain directory.


The administrative instance port number.


Specifies the port on which the jmx connector is initialized. The valid values are 1-65535.


The username associated with the administrative instance.

-W --passwordfile

The file containing the domain application server password associated with the administrative instance. The password is defined in the following form: AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual administrator password for the domain. This file can also contain the AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD and the AS_MASTERPASSWORD. The syntax for each is the same as the syntax for AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD. Using this option on the command line can be insecure, since the password is stored in clear text. This file, however, can be protected by file system permissions.

-t --terse

Indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false.

-e --echo

Setting to true will echo the command line statement on to the standard output. Default is false.

-I --interactive

If set to true (default), only the required options are prompted.


The port number listening to the HTTP request. The port number cannot be currently in use. If not specified, the default value is 8080.


Setting the optional name/value pairs overrides the default values for the properties of the domain to be created. The list must be separated by the ":" character. The following properties are available:

jms.portThis property specifies the port number for JMS. Valid value are 7676
orb.listener.portThis property specifies which ORB listener port for IIOP connections orb-listener-1 listens on.
http.ssl.portThis property specifies the port number for http-listener-2. Valid values are 1-65535. On UNIX, creating sockets that listen on ports 1-1024 requires superuser privileges.
orb.ssl.portThis property specifies which ORB listener port for IIOP connections the IIOP listener called SSL listens on.
orb.mutualauth.portThis property specifies which ORB listener port for IIOP connections the IIOP listener called SSL_MUTUALAUTH listens on.

Setting this option to true allows the masterpassword to be written to the file system. It is best to create a masterpassword when creating a domain, because masterpassword is used by the start-domain command. For security purposes, the default setting should be false, because saving the masterpassword on the disk is an insecure practice, unless file system permissions are properly set. If masterpassword is saved, then start-domain will not prompt for it. Masterpassword gives an extra level of security to the environment.



The name of the domain to be created.


Example 1. Using the create-domain command
asadmin> create-domain --domaindir /export/domains 
--adminport 7070 --adminuser admin --instanceport 7071 sampleDomain
created domain sampleDomain successfully

Where: the sampleDomain domain is created in the /export/domains directory.



command executed successfully


error in executing the command


delete-domain(1), start-domain(1), stop-domain(1), list-domains(1)

J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 31 Jan 2005