Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Generate a JVM Report

The remote generate-jvm-report command enables you to generate a JVM report showing the threads (dump of a stack trace), classes, memory, and loggers for a specified domain administration server (DAS). You can generate the following types of reports: summary (default), class, thread, log.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote commands require a running server.

  2. Generate the report by using the generate-jvm-report(1) command.

Example 4–5 Generating a JVM Report

The following example command displays summary information about the threads, classes, and memory:

generate-jvm-report --type summary 

Information similar to the following is displayed (partial output):

Operating System Information:
Name of the Operating System: Windows XP
Binary Architecture name of the Operating System: x86, Version: 5.1
Number of processors available on the Operating System: 2
System load on the available processors for the last minute: NOT_AVAILABLE. 
(Sum of running and queued runnable entities per minute).
user.home = C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer
user.language = en = Jennifer
user.timezone = America/New_York
user.variant =
variable = \$HOME
web.home = C:\prelude\v3_prelude_release\distributions\web\target\glassfish\modu
Command generate-jvm-report executed successfully.

See Also

To see the full syntax and options of the command, type asadmin generate-jvm-report --help at the command line or see generate-jvm-report(1) in the reference manual.