Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Update a File User

The remote update-file-user command enables you to modify the information in the keyfile for a specified user.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote commands require a running server.

  2. Update the user information by using the update-file-user(1) command.

  3. To apply your changes, restart Enterprise Server.

    1. Stop Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Stop a Domain (or Server).

    2. Start Enterprise Server.

      For instructions, see To Start a Domain (or Server).

Example 7–8 Updating a User

The following command updates the groups for user Jennifer:

asadmin update-file-user --passwordfile 
c:\tmp\asadminpassword.txt --groups 
staff:manager:engineer Jennifer

Information similar to the following is displayed:

Command update-file-user executed successfully.

See Also

To see the full syntax and options of the command, type asadmin update-file-user --help at the command line.