RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide

ProcedureDeploying and Testing a Jersey Application using NetBeans IDE

This section describes building, deploying, and testing a Jersey-annotated application using NetBeans IDE.

  1. Right-click the project node and click Test RESTful Web Services.

    This step will deploy the application and bring up a test client in the browser.

  2. When the test client displays, navigate to the helloworld resource and click the Test button.

    The words Hello World! will display in the Response window.

See Also

For other sample applications that demonstrate deploying and running Jersey applications using NetBeans, read Building and Running the HelloWorld-WebApp Application in NetBeans, Building and Running the Bookstore Application from NetBeans IDE, or look at the tutorials on the NetBeans tutorial site, such as the one titled Getting Started with RESTful Web Services: NetBeans 6.5. This tutorial includes a section on creating a CRUD application from a database.