Getting Started With Project jMaki for the GlassFish v3 Application Server

Getting Started with Project jMaki

This tutorial helps you get started using Project jMaki with the GlassFishTM v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server by covering the following topics:

Introduction to Project jMaki

Project jMaki is a lightweight framework for creating web applications using built-in templates, a model for creating and using Ajax-enabled widgets, and a set of services to tie the widgets together and enable them to communicate with external services.

Project jMaki provides a set of pre-wrapped widgets, many of which are from Dojo, script.acu.lous, Yahoo UI, and other vendors. Because the widgets are wrapped, you can use them in a variety of server environments, including as JavaServer PagesTM (JSPTM) tags , as JavaServerTM Faces components, within a Phobos application, with JRuby, or with PHP. This chapter focuses on using jMaki in a JSP application for the GlassFish v3 application server.

In addition to the set of widgets, jMaki also provides the following features:

Obtaining Required Software

This tutorial uses The NetBeansTM IDE 6.1 to develop and deploy a jMaki application. The IDE offers a plug-in through its update center that allows you to quickly and easily create jMaki applications.

It also offers a plug-in that allows you to add the GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server to your list of servers supported by the IDE. In addition to the jMaki module and the application server, you also need to download a web browser that supports JavaScript and Ajax.

ProcedureInstalling the GlassFish v3 JavaEE Integration Plug-in and the jMaki Ajax Support Plug-in

With this task, you will install the GlassFish v3 Java EE Integration plug-in and the jMaki plug-in into NetBeans IDE 6.1.

  1. Within the IDE, select Tools from the menu bar.

  2. Select Plugins.

  3. Select the Settings tab.

  4. Select the Available Plugins pane.

  5. Select the checkbox next to GlassFish v3 JavaEE Integration Module.

  6. Also on the Available Plugins pane, select the checkbox next to jMaki Ajax Support.

  7. Click Install.

  8. Select Restart the IDE Now.

  9. After the IDE restarts, go to the Tools menu and select Servers.

  10. Click Add Server.

  11. Select GlassFish v3 TP2 from the Server pane.

  12. Enter a name for the server in the Name field and click Next.

  13. Click Browse to select the installation location for the server.

  14. Select the checkbox to indicate you've read the license and click Download V3 Now.

The plotCity Example

This section describes the plotCity example and tells you how to run it.

What the plotCity Example Does

With the plotCity example, you can plot a city on a map by performing the following tasks:

  1. Select a state from a Dojo combobox widget, thereby populating another Dojo combobox widget with a list of cities located in that state.

  2. Select a city from the second Dojo combobox widget, thereby causing the application to access the city's coordinates from an external service and plot the city on a map represented by a Google map widget.

This tutorial uses the plotCity example to demonstrate using the primary features of jMaki:

Downloading and Running the Example

This section tells you how to get the example, build it, and run it.

ProcedureDownloading the Example

  1. Go to the jMaki sample WAR files download area .

  2. Download one of the following files:

    • plotCity.war: Download this file if you just want to deploy and run the example the way you do for any other web application.

    • Download this file if you want to load the plotCity project in NetBeans IDE 6.1, build it, deploy it, and run it.

  3. If you downloaded the file, extract the zip file.

ProcedureBuilding and Running the plotCity Application in NetBeans IDE 6.1

With this task, you'll be able to run plotCity in your browser.

  1. Select File->Open Project in NetBeans IDE 6.1.

  2. Select the plotCity project that you extracted from the zip file in the previous task, and click OK.

  3. Right click on the plotCity application in the Projects pane and select Run Project.

    This will compile the classes, package the files into a WAR file, deploy the WAR to your GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application server instance, and open a web browser to the following URL:

    http://<server>:<server port>/plotCity/
  4. Select a state from the State combobox. Then select a city from the City combobox. You'll see that city plotted on the map.

Creating a jMaki Web Application

The NetBeans 6.1 IDE jMaki 1.1 plug-in allows you to quickly and easily create jMaki applications.

With the plug-in, you can drag and drop jMaki widgets onto JSP pages and customize the widgets. When you create a page using the plug-in, you have a choice of templates to use for the page. You can read about the templates and see what they look like by visiting the jMaki Layouts page.

ProcedureCreating a jMaki Web Application

After you complete the following task, the IDE creates a web application with the necessary resources. The Web Pages node contains the following items:

The IDE opens the index.jsp page in the editor pane after you create the application.

  1. Choose File > New Project.

  2. Under Categories, select Web.

  3. Under Projects, select Web Application and click Next.

  4. Type the name of your application in the Project Name field.

  5. Change the Project Location to any directory on your computer.

  6. Select GlassFish V3 TP2 for the server.

  7. Keep the other settings at their default and Click Next.

  8. Select the jMaki Ajax Framework and select a template from the CSS layout pane.

  9. Click Finish.

Adding a jMaki Widget to a Page

Once you have set up your application and created a page using one of the templates, you can add a jMaki widget to the page. Developing the plotCity Application Using Project jMaki and the NetBeans IDE 6.1 details how to build a jMaki application using the NetBeans IDE 6.1 plug-in, using plotCity as an example. When you drag and drop a widget on a page using the plug-in, it does three things:

For example, if you added the jMaki Dojo combobox widget to a page, the IDE does the following:

  1. Adds the component.js and component.htm files to the resources/dojo directory of your application

  2. Adds the third-party Dojo widget code to the resources/libs directory of your application.

  3. Adds the following tag library declaration and widget tag to your page:

    <%@ taglib prefix="a" uri="http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp" %>
    <a:widget name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />

As the preceding code shows, the widget tag is a custom tag from the jMaki tag library. This tag represents a JSP tag handler.

When you drag and drop the combobox widget onto a page, the IDE initializes the tag with the name of the widget using the name attribute. The name is in dot notation similar to JavaTM package names. It refers to the directory that contains the widget's resource files. In this case, the combobox widget's resources are in the dojo/combobox directory.

The IDE also initializes the widget with a default value using the value attribute. As most jMaki widgets do, the combobox widget accepts data in JSON format. You can use the value attribute to reference this data. For example, the default value that NetBeans gives the combobox widget is:

{label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
{label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
{label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
{label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}

The next section details how to populate a widget with your own data.

The widget tag requires you to set a different set of attributes depending on which widget the tag represents. The best way to determine what attributes a widget expects is to look at the widget's widget.json file by right-clicking on the widget tag in the IDE and selecting jMaki from the pop-up menu. You can use the customizer that pops up to edit the values of the attributes.

The following table lists the most common attributes.

Table 1 Common jMaki Attributes






Identifies the widget instance so that you can reference the widget. 



The name of the widget 



The CSS style for this widget. Defaults to component.css



Refers to a component that provides extra services for the widget. You can use this attribute to reference a component that serves data to the widget. 



References the widget's data 



object literal that defines additional tag attributes 

For the plotCity example, you also need to add id attributes to the combobox widget tags so that you can refer to the widgets from your event handlers, as explained in Handling Widget Events. You'll name the combobox that holds the states thisState, and you'll name the combobox that holds the cities thisCity:

<a:widget  id="thisState"
	... />
<a:widget id="thisCity"
	... />

Loading Your Own Data Into a jMaki Widget

Project jMaki gives you a lot of flexibility with respect to how you populate your widgets with data. Following are the three basic techniques for loading data into your widget:

This section shows you how to use an EL expression from the value attribute to access data from a bean, just as you would with any other JSP tag. Whichever method you choose, you need to be sure that you pass the data in JSON format to the widget because this is what all the jMaki widgets expect. This means that if you have the data in a bean, you need to convert it from a Java object to JSON. jMaki includes the JSON API, which you use to perform the data conversion.

Initializing the Widget With Data

The thisState and thisCity combobox widgets on the index.jsp page use EL expressions to get their initial set of data from StateBean. The following code snippet shows the jsp:useBean and widget tags from this page:

<jsp:useBean id="StateBean" scope="session"
	class="plotCity.StateBean" />
<a:widget id="thisState" name="dojo.combobox" ... 
<a:widget id="thisCity" name="dojo.combobox" ...
	value="${StateBean.cities}" />

As the preceding markup shows, the data comes from the getStates method of StateBean. The useBean tag makes StateBean available to the index.jsp page.

In StateBean, the getStates method converts string arrays from Java code into a single JSON array:

public String getStates() throws JSONException {
	JSONArray statesData = new JSONArray();
	JSONObject stateData = new JSONObject();
	for (int loop = 0; loop < states.length; loop++) {
		stateData.put("label", states[loop]);
		stateData.put("value", stateCodes[loop]);
		stateData = new JSONObject();
	return jmaki.util.JSONUtil.jsonArrayToString(statesData, new StringBuffer());

The getStates method uses the JSONArray API to create the following JSON array:

	{label : 'Alaska', value : 'AK'},
	{label : 'Arizona', value : 'AZ'},
	{label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
	{label : 'Oregon', value : 'OR'},
	{label : 'Washington', value : 'WA'}

Using the ${StateBean.states} expression, the combobox widget loads this JSON array.

The getCities method loads all the Alaskan cities into a JSON array because Alaska is the initially selected state.

Both methods call the jsonArrayToString method to convert a JSON array to a string before returning the data back to the page.

It's important to remember that the EL expressions can only be used to initialize the widgets with data. To update the widget's data, such as after a user-initiated event, you need to use the publish/subscribe mechanism, as described in the section, Handling Widget Events.

Updating the Data in a Widget

In the case of the plotCity example, when you use the publish/subscribe system to update the widget's data, you are still using StateBean to get the data, which is stored in the file.

Here are the contents of the file:

CA=Los Angeles,Sacramento,San Diego,San Francisco

The event handler, as described in the next section, uses Ajax to send the selected state value to the StateBean object's getNewCities method, by way of a servlet. The getNewCities method gets the list of cities for the selected state from the properties file and loads the cities into a JSON array, as shown in the following code:

cityNames = ResourceBundle.getBundle("plotCity.cities");   
public String getNewCities(String state) throws JSONException{
	JSONObject city = new JSONObject();
	JSONArray cities = new JSONArray();
	String[] names = null;
	try {
		names = cityNames.getString(state).split(",");
	} catch(Exception e){
		return null;
	for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
		city.put("label", names[i]);
		city.put("value", names[i]);
		city = new JSONObject();
	jmaki.util.JSONUtil.jsonArrayToString(cities, new StringBuffer());

Loading Data Into a Widget in the plotCity Applicationgives step-by-step instructions for implementing plotCity to populate its widgets with data.

Handling Widget Events

Project jMaki supports a topic-based publish/subscribe system in which widgets can act as producers or consumers. In this system, producers publish messages to topics and consumers receive the messages from topics to which they have subscribed.

This system makes it easy for your application to respond to widget events and to get two widgets to interact by listening for each other's events. This section describes how you can get widgets to publish and subscribe to a topic so that your application can respond to a widget event.

To make event-handling easier, jMaki provides default topics for the most common widget events. For example, a Dojo combobox widget will publish its value to the /onSelect topic when the user selects a value from the widget. Likewise, a Dojo combobox widget automatically subscribes to the /setValues topic, and so it gets its value from there. Most often, though, you will need to create your own topics, as the plotCity example does.

Usually, you go through the following steps to handle a widget event using the publish and subscribe system:

  1. Add a publish attribute to a widget tag and set it to a topic string so that the widget will publish its current value to that topic when it experiences an event.

  2. Write a handler in glue.js that will be called when the widget experiences an event. When the handler is called, it retrieves the value from the topic, performs some task with the value, and publishes the result of the task to a different topic.

  3. Add a subscribe attribute to another widget tag and set the subscribe attribute to the topic to which the handler publishes the result of its task.

In addition to the publish/subscribe mechanism, jMaki provides the doAjax function to make it easy to use Ajax within your event handler function to asynchronously retrieve data from the server and return it to the client.

The plotCity application uses the publish/subscribe mechanism and doAjax so that the following happens:

In the plotCity example, the thisState widget's publish attribute is set to the topic, /cb/getState:

<a:widget  id="thisState"
	value="${StateBean.states}" />

This makes the widget publish its selected value to the developer-defined /cb/getState topic whenever the user selects a value from the widget.

The following event handler in the glue.js file subscribes to the /cb/getState topic:

jmaki.subscribe("/cb/getState/*", function(args) {
	var message = args.value;
	jmaki.doAjax({method: "POST",
	url: "Service?message=" + encodeURIComponent(message),
	callback: function(_req) {
		var tmp = _req.responseText;
		var obj = eval("(" + tmp + ")");
		jmaki.publish('/cb/setValues', obj);
		// handle any errors

Because the handler subscribes to the topic, it executes when the widget publishes a new value to the topic. The handler does the following:

All combobox widgets automatically obtain their values in response to a user action by subscribing to the global /setValues topic that jMaki provides unless the developer specifies otherwise. In this example, thisCity subscribes to a /setValues subtopic of the developer-defined parent topic, cb. Because the thisCity combobox subscribes to the parent topic, it also subscribes to the /setValues subtopic by default and is therefore automatically updated with the new set of cities.

If you have only one combobox in a page, you do not have to create a parent topic for the purpose of updating values in the combobox. Instead, you can publish the new values to the global /setValues topic. This example needs a parent topic because it has two comboboxes. If the handler published to the global /setValues topic, both comboboxes would be populated with the set of cities returned by the Service servlet.

Handling Events in the plotCity Application gives the step-by-step instructions for implementing event handling in plotCity.

Accessing an External Service From a Widget

One characteristic of an Ajax-based client is that it cannot make calls to URLs outside of its domain, which means that it cannot access services located on another server. Project jMaki provides a proxy, called the XmlHttpProxy client, that communicates with external services on a widget's behalf.

To access an external service, a widget uses an XmlHttpRequest object to access the service through the XmlHttpProxy client. Project jMaki already includes some code that allows you to access the Yahoo Geocoder service. This service takes a location, such as a city, and returns the coordinates for that location. The code jMaki provides for widgets to use this service includes the configuration of the service in the centralized xhp.json file:

{"xhp": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "services": [
        {"id": "yahoogeocoder",
         "apikey" : "appid=jmaki-key",
         "xslStyleSheet": "yahoo-geocoder.xsl",
         "defaultURLParams": "location=santa+clara,+ca"

The preceding JSON code configures the Yahoo Geocoder service under the ID yahoogeocoder with the XmlHttpProxy client. The configuration includes the URL to the service, a reference to the API key to use for Yahoo services and widgets, a reference to a stylesheet that styles the data returned from the service, and a default location.

To obtain coordinates for a location from the Yahoo Geocoder service from your glue code, you create a string URL out of these elements:

An example URL constructed from this string would be the following:


Once you have the string URL, you use Ajax to do the following:

  1. Access the service with the URL.

  2. Obtain the coordinates from the service.

  3. Publish the coordinates to the /jmaki/plotmap topic.

The first thing to do is to get the location so that you can provide it to the service. In the plotCity application, the thisCity widget publishes the city to be plotted to the /cities topic when the user selects a city:

<a:widget id="thisCity"
	value="${StateBean.cities}" />

A combobox widget always publishes its selected value to the global onSelect topic and to the onSelect sub-topic of any developer-defined parent topic. In this case, the combobox widget publishes its value to the parent topic, /cities. Therefore, the value is published to /cities/onSelect.

Here is the handler from the plotCity example that subscribes to the /cities/onSelect topic:

jmaki.subscribe("/cities/onSelect", function(item) {
	var city = item.value;
	var state = jmaki.attributes.get('thisState').getValue();
	var location = city + ", " + state;
	var encodedLocation = encodeURIComponent("location=" + location);
	var url = jmaki.xhp + 
		"?id=yahoogeocoder&urlparams=" + 	
	jmaki.doAjax({url: url, callback : function(req) {
		if (req.responseText.length > 0) {
			// convert the response to an object
			var response = eval("(" + req.responseText + ")");
			var coordinates = response.coordinates;
			v = {results:coordinates};
			jmaki.publish("/jmaki/plotmap", coordinates);
		} else {
			jmaki.log("Failed to get coordinates for " + 
				location );

This handler does the following:

  1. Gets the city name from the args argument that is passed to it from the topic, /cities/onSelect.

  2. Gets the current state from thisState and appends it to the city to construct the location argument.

  3. Calls encodeURIComponent on the location variable to encode it so that it is the proper format for the URL.

  4. Constructs the URL to pass to access the service.

  5. Uses Ajax to pass the location to the service, retrieve the coordinates from the service, and publish the coordinates to the /jmaki/plotmap topic.

All widgets automatically subscribe to the /jmaki/plotmap topic. Therefore, when new coordinates are posted to the topic, the Google map widget plots the city located at the coordinates.

Developing the plotCity Application Using Project jMaki and the NetBeans IDE 6.1

In this exercise you create the plotCity web application using the NetBeans IDE 6.1.

ProcedureCreating the plotCity Project

When you complete this task, you'll have a skeleton jMaki application.

  1. Choose File > New Project.

  2. Under Categories, select Web.

  3. Under Projects, select Web Application and click Next.

  4. Type plotCity for Project Name.

  5. Change the Project Location to any directory on your computer and click Next.

  6. Select the GlassFish V3 TP2 Server for the server.

  7. Keep the other settings at their default and Click Next.

  8. Select the jMaki Ajax Framework and select the No CSS layout template.

  9. Click Finish.

ProcedureAdding the Widgets to the Page

With this task, you will add the thisState and thisCity combobox widgets and the Google map widget to the page.

  1. Open index.jsp in the editor pane if it is not already there.

  2. Expand the jMaki Dojo node in the jMaki Palette, located on the right side of the IDE window.

  3. Select and drag two Combobox widgets onto index.jsp

  4. Save your changes.

    You should now see the following tags on index.jsp:

    <%@ taglib prefix="a" uri="http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp" %>
    <a:widget name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
    <a:widget name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
  5. Add the ID, thisState to the first Combobox widget and the ID, thisCity to the second combobox widget, so that the page now looks like the following:

    <%@ taglib prefix="a" uri="http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp" %>
    <a:widget id="thisState" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
    <a:widget id="thisCity" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
  6. Add the text, Select a state: right before the first Combobox widget.

  7. Add a paragraph tag and the text, Select a city: right before the second combobox widget.

    The page should now look like this:

    <%@ taglib prefix="a" uri="http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp" %>
    Select a state:
    <a:widget id="thisState" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
    Select a city:
    <a:widget id="thisCity" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
  8. Expand the jMaki Google node in the jMaki Palette, located on the right side of the IDE window.

  9. Select and drag a Google Map widget onto index.jsp, right after the Combobox widgets.

  10. Add another paragraph tag directly before the Google map widget.

    The page should now look like this:

    <%@ taglib prefix="a" uri="http://jmaki/v1.0/jsp" %>
    Select a state:
    <a:widget id="thisState" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
    Select a city:
    <a:widget id="thisCity" name="dojo.combobox"
           {label : 'Alabama', value : 'AL'},
           {label : 'California', value : 'CA'},
           {label : 'New York', value : 'NY', selected : true},
           {label : 'Texas', value : 'TX'}	           
        ]" />
     <a:widget  name=""
    	args="{ centerLat : 37.4041960114344,
    	centerLon : -122.008194923401 }" />
  11. Save index.jsp.

  12. (Optional) Run the application by right-clicking the project node and selecting Run.

    You will see the three widgets on the page in the browser, but the combobox widgets are populated with the default set of data, and nothing happens when you select values from them. With the next task, you'll load the appropriate data into the combobox widgets.

Loading Data Into a Widget in the plotCity Application

This section details the tasks required to populate a widget with data, using the comboboxes included in the plotCity application as examples. These tasks are:

ProcedureCreating the Server-Side Data

With this task, you are creating a properties file that contains a set of states and a set of cities for each state. This file acts as the database for the application for simplicity's sake.

  1. Expand the plotCity node and right-click on the Source Packages node.

  2. Select New > Java Package.

  3. Enter plotCity as the package name.

  4. Click Finish.

  5. Right-click on the project in the Projects window and choose New > Other

  6. In the New File dialog, select Other from the Categories pane.

  7. Select Properties File from the File Types pane.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Enter cities in the File Name field.

  10. Click Finish.

  11. Select plotCity/src/java/plotCity as the location of the properties file.

  12. Copy the following content to the file:

    CA=Los Angeles,Sacramento,San Diego,San Francisco
  13. Save the file.

ProcedureCreating a JavaBeans Component That Holds the Data

By performing this task, you are creating the bean that holds the state and city data that you can use with the comboboxes.

  1. Expand the plotCity > Source Packages nodes.

  2. Right-click the plotCity package and choose New > Java class.

  3. Type StateBean for the Class Name, plotCity for the Package and click Finish.

  4. Add the following variable declarations to the class:

    private String[] states = 
    	new String [] {"Alaska", "Arizona", "California", "Oregon"};
    private String[] stateCodes = 
    	new String[]{"AK", "AZ", "CA", "OR"};
    protected String[] AKCities = 
    	new String[] {"Anchorage", "Fairbanks", "Juneau", "Nome"};
    private ResourceBundle cityNames = null;
  5. Add an init method after the constructor that creates a ResourceBundle object from the file:

    private void init() {
     cityNames = ResourceBundle.getBundle("plotCity.cities");   
  6. Add a call to the init method inside the StateBean constructor:

    public StateBean(){
  7. Add the following getStates method to the class. It loads a JSON array with the list of state names that you initialized in step 4:

    public String getStates() throws JSONException {
    	JSONArray statesData = new JSONArray();
    	JSONObject stateData = new JSONObject();
    	for (int loop = 0; loop < states.length; loop++) {
    		stateData.put("label", states[loop]);
    		stateData.put("value", stateCodes[loop]);
    		stateData = new JSONObject();
    	return jmaki.util.JSONUtil.jsonArrayToString(statesData, new StringBuffer());
  8. Add the following getCities method to the class. It loads a JSON array with the list of Alaskan city names that you initialized in step 4:

    public String getCities() throws Exception {
    	JSONObject cityData = new JSONObject();
    	JSONArray citiesData = new JSONArray();
    	for(int i = 0; i < AKCities.length; i++){
    		cityData.put("label", AKCities[i]).toString();
    		cityData.put("value", AKCities[i]).toString();
    		cityData = new JSONObject();
    	return jmaki.util.JSONUtil.jsonArrayToString(citiesData, new StringBuffer());
  9. Add the following getNewCities method to the class. It loads a JSON array with the list of city names for the selected state:

    public String getNewCities(String state) throws JSONException {
    	JSONObject city = new JSONObject();
    	JSONArray cities = new JSONArray();
    	String[] names = null;
    	try {
    		names = cityNames.getString(state).split(",");
    	} catch(Exception e){
    		return null;
    	for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
    		city.put("label", names[i]);
    		city.put("value", names[i]);
    		city = new JSONObject();
    	return jmaki.util.JSONUtil.jsonArrayToString(cities, new StringBuffer());
  10. Right-click the editor pane and select Fix Imports from the pop-up menu. The IDE will import the packages the class needs.

  11. Save

ProcedureAccessing Data From the Page

With this task, you will initialize the combobox widgets with the server-side data.

  1. Open index.jsp into the source editor pane.

  2. Expand the JSP node in the Palette and select and drag Use Bean into the Source Editor below the h1 tag.

  3. In the Insert Use Bean dialog box, enter the following values and then click OK.

    • ID: StateBean

    • Class: plotCity.StateBean

    • Scope: session

    The IDE generates the following tag:

    <jsp:useBean id="StateBean" scope="session" 
    	class="plotCity.StateBean" />

    This tag gives index.jsp access to the StateBean component.

  4. Replace the value attribute of the thisState tag with an EL expression that points to the states property of StateBean:

  5. Replace the value element of the thisCity tag with an EL expression that points to the cities property of StateBean.

  6. Save the file.

  7. (Optional) Right-click the project node and select Run.

    Your browser should open and show the two comboboxes populated with the data your created. With the next set of tasks, you will add the event-handling mechanism so that you can select a city and plot it on the map.

Handling Events in the plotCity Application

This section details how you can use the publish/subscribe mechanism to handle events by performing the following tasks:

ProcedurePublishing to a Topic

After completing this task, thisState will subscribe to the /cb/getState topic.

  1. Open index.jsp in a source editor pane.

  2. Add a subscribe attribute to the thisState combobox and set it to the topic, /cb/getState:

    <a:widget  id="thisState"
    	value="${StateBean.states}" />
  3. Save index.jsp.

ProcedureWriting a Handler that Handles the Widget Event

After this task is complete, the plotCity application will be able to populate the thisCity combobox widget with new data when the user selects a state from the thisState widget.

  1. Open the glue.js file, located in plotCity/Web Pages, in the editor pane.

  2. At the end of the glue.js file, add the following subscribe function:

    jmaki.subscribe("/cb/getState/*", function(args) {
    	var message = args.value;
    	jmaki.doAjax({method: "POST",
    	url: "Service?message=" + encodeURIComponent(message),
    	callback: function(_req) {
    		var tmp = _req.responseText;
    		var obj = eval("(" + tmp + ")");
    		jmaki.publish('/cb/setValues', obj);
    		// handle any errors

ProcedureWriting a Servlet to Obtain the Server-Side Data for the Handler

While performing the previous task, you added an Ajax call to the Service servlet to obtain the values from StateBean. You'll create the servlet with this task.

  1. Expand the plotCity > Source Packages > plotCity node.

  2. Right-click on the plotCity package icon and select New > Servlet.

  3. Enter Service for the class name.

  4. Click Finish.

  5. Delete everything inside the servlet class so that all that the file contains are the package statement, the import statements automatically generated, and the following empty servlet class:

    public class Service extends HTTPServlet{}
  6. Add the following private variable declaration:

    private ServletContext context;
  7. Add the following init method to the class:

    public void init(ServletConfig config) 
    	throws ServletException {
    	this.context = config.getServletContext();
  8. Add the following doPost method to the class:

    public void doPost(
    	HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
    	throws IOException, ServletException {
    	HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    	StateBean stateBean = 
    	String cityData = new String();
    	String message = request.getParameter("message");
    		cityData = stateBean.getNewCities(message);
    	} catch (Exception e){
    		System.out.println("could not get city data");
    	PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
    	session.setAttribute("stateBean", stateBean);

    This method gets the message parameter from the request, passes it to getNewCities, and passes the resulting list of cities to the response.

  9. Save the file.

ProcedureSubscribe to a Topic

With this task, you will get thisCities to subscribe to the /cb/setValues topic so that it populates with the cities returned from StateBean.

  1. Expand the plotCity > Web Pages nodes.

  2. Open index.jsp in a editor pane.

  3. Add a subscribe attribute to the thisCity widget and give it the topic /cb/setValues, as shown here:

    <a:widget id="thisCity"
    	value="${StateBean.cities}" />
  4. Save the file.

  5. (Optional) Run the example by right-clicking the project node and selecting Run.

    Now you can select a state and see the thisCity combobox populate with the names of cities located in that state. With the next task, you'll make it so the application will plot a city on the map when you select the city.

ProcedureAccessing an External Service from a Widget

  1. Expand the plotCity > Web Pages node.

  2. Open index.jsp in the editor pane.

  3. Add a publish attribute to the thisCity combobox widget and set it to /cities:

    <a:widget id="thisCity"
    	value="${StateBean.cities}" />
  4. Expand the plotCity > Web Pages node.

  5. Open glue.js in a source editor.

  6. Add the following handler to the end of glue.js:

    jmaki.subscribe("/cities/onSelect", function(item) {
    	var city = item.value;
    	var state = jmaki.attributes.get('thisState').getValue();
    	var location = city + ", " + state;
    	var encodedLocation = encodeURIComponent("location=" + location);
    	var url = jmaki.xhp + 
    		"?id=yahoogeocoder&urlparams=" + 	
    	jmaki.doAjax({url: url, callback : function(req) {
    		if (req.responseText.length > 0) {
    			// convert the response to an object
    			var response = eval("(" + req.responseText + ")");
    			var coordinates = response.coordinates;
    			v = {results:coordinates};
    			jmaki.publish("/jmaki/plotmap", coordinates);
    		} else {
    			jmaki.log("Failed to get coordinates for " + 
    				location );
  7. Save glue.js.

ProcedureDeploying and Running on the GlassFish v3 Technology Preview 2 Application Server

  1. Right-click on the plotCity project node.

  2. Select Properties.

  3. Select Run.

  4. Select GlassFish V3 TP2 from the Server combobox.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Right-click on the plotCity project node.

  7. Select Run project.