Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Add-On Component Development Guide

Dotted Names for an Add-On Component's Statistics

The Enterprise Server administrative commands get(1), list(1), and set(1) locate a statistic through the dotted name of the statistic. The dotted name of a statistic for an add-on component is determined from the names of the TreeNode objects that represent the statistic and the component in the monitorable object tree as follows:


The name of the TreeNode object that represents the component in the monitorable object tree. This name is passed In the invocation of the createTreeNode method that creates the object. For more information, see Creating a TreeNode Object to Represent a Component.


The name of the TreeNode object that represents the statistic in the monitorable object tree. This name is passed In the invocation of the setName method. For more information, see Creating Objects to Represent a Component's Statistics.