Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

xfnts_stop Method Code Listing

The RGM runs the Stop method on a cluster node or zone when the resource group that contains the HA-XFS resource is brought offline on that node or zone. The RGM also does so when the resource is disabled. This method stops the xfs daemon on that node or global zone.

Example C–7 xfnts_stop.c

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * xfnts_svc_stop.c - Stop method for HA-XFS

#pragma ident “@(#)xfnts_svc_stop.c 1.10 01/01/18 SMI”

#include <rgm/libdsdev.h>
#include “xfnts.h”

 * Stops the HA-XFS process using PMF

main(int argc, char *argv[])

   scds_handle_t   scds_handle;
   int      rc;

   /* Process the arguments passed by RGM and initialize syslog */
   if (scds_initialize(&scds_handle, argc, argv) != SCHA_ERR_NOERR)
      scds_syslog(LOG_ERR, “Failed to initialize the handle.”);
      return (1);

   rc = svc_stop(scds_handle);

   /* Free up all the memory allocated by scds_initialize */

   /* Return the result of svc_stop method */
   return (rc);