Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Add a Scalable Application Resource to a Resource Group

A scalable application resource is an application resource that uses shared-address resources. The shared-address resources are in a failover resource group.

Note –

Perform this procedure from any cluster node.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have the following information.

Note –

This procedure also applies to proxy resources.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization.

  2. Add a scalable application resource to the resource group.

    # clresource create -g resource-group -t resource-type \
    -p Network_resources_used=network-resource[,network-resource...] \
    -p Scalable=True
    [-p "extension-property[{node-specifier}]"=value, …] [-p standard-property=value, …] resource
    -g resource-group

    Specifies the name of a scalable service resource group that you previously created.

    -t resource-type

    Specifies the name of the resource type for this resource.

    -p Network_resources_used= network-resource[,network-resource...]

    Specifies the list of network resources (shared addresses) on which this resource depends.

    -p Scalable=True

    Specifies that this resource is scalable.

    -p "extension-property[{node-specifier}]"=value, …

    Specifies a comma-separated list of extension properties that you are setting for the resource. The extension properties that you can set depend on the resource type. To determine which extension properties to set, see the documentation for the resource type.

    node-specifier is an optional qualifier to the -p and -x options. This qualifier indicates that the extension property or properties on only the specified node or nodes or zone or zones are to be set when the resource is created. The specified extension properties on other nodes or zones in the cluster are not set. If you do not include node-specifier, the specified extension properties on all nodes and zones in the cluster are set. You can specify a node name or a node identifier for node-specifier. Examples of the syntax of node-specifier include the following:

    -p "myprop{phys-schost-1}"

    The braces ({}) indicate that you are setting the specified extension property on only node phys-schost-1. For most shells, the double quotation marks (“) are required.

    You can also use the following syntax to set an extension property in two different zones on two different nodes:

    -x "myprop{phys-schost-1:zoneA,phys-schost-2:zoneB}"

    Note –

    The extension property that you specify with node-specifier must be declared in the RTR file as a per-node property. See Appendix B, Standard Properties for information about the Per_node resource property attribute.

    -p standard-property=value, …

    Specifies a comma-separated list of standard properties that you are setting for the resource. The standard properties that you can set depend on the resource type. For scalable services, you typically set the Port_list, Load_balancing_weights, and Load_balancing_policy properties. To determine which standard properties to set, see the documentation for the resource type and Appendix B, Standard Properties.


    Specifies your choice of the name of the resource to add.

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  3. Verify that the scalable application resource has been added and validated.

    # clresource show resource

Example 2–10 Adding a Scalable Application Resource to a Resource Group

This example shows the addition of a resource (resource-1) to a resource group (resource-group-1). Note that resource-group-1 depends on the failover resource group that contains the network addresses that are in use (schost-1 and schost-2 in the following example). The resource depends on shared address resources (schost-1, schost-2), which must reside in one or more failover resource groups that you defined previously.

# clresource create -g resource-group-1 -t resource-type-1 \
-p Network_resources_used=schost-1,schost-2 resource-1 \
-p Scalable=True
# clresource show resource-1

=== Resources ===                              

  Resource:                                        resource-1
  Type:                                            resource-type-1
  Group:                                           resource-group-1
  Resource_project_name:                           default
  Enabled{phats1}:                                 False
  Enabled{phats2}:                                 False
  Monitored{phats1}:                               True
  Monitored{phats2}:                               True

Next Steps

After you add a scalable application resource, follow the procedure How to Bring Online Resource Groups to enable the resource.


Adding a resource causes the Sun Cluster software to validate the resource. If the validation fails, the clresource command prints an error message and exits. To determine why the validation failed, check the syslog on each node for an error message. The message appears on the node that performed the validation, not necessarily the node on which you ran the clresource command.

See Also

The clresource(1CL) man page.