Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureEncapsulating an SMF Service Into a Failover Proxy Resource Configuration

For information about failover configuration, see Creating a Resource Group

Note –

Perform this procedure from any cluster node.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization.

  2. Register the proxy SMF failover resource type.

    # clresourcetype register -f\
    /opt/SUNWscsmf/etc/SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover
  3. Verify that the proxy resource type has been registered.

    # clresourcetype show 
  4. Create the SMF failover resource group.

    # clresourcegroup create [-n node-zone-list] resource-group
    -n node-zone-list

    Specifies a comma-separated, ordered list of zones that can master this resource group. The format of each entry in the list is node:zone. In this format, node specifies the node name and zone specifies the name of a non-global Solaris zone. To specify the global zone, or to specify a node without non-global zones, specify only node.

    This list is optional. If you omit this list, the resource group is configured on all the global zones of the cluster nodes.

    Note –

    To achieve highest availability, specify zones on different nodes in the node list of an SMF failover resource group instead of different zones on the same node.


    Specifies your choice of the name of the scalable resource group to add. This name must begin with an ASCII character.

  5. Verify that the SMF resource group has been created.

    # clresourcegroup status resource-group
  6. Add an SMF failover application resource to the resource group.

    # clresource create -g resource-group -t SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover \
    [-p "extension-property[{node-specifier}]"=value, …] [-p standard-property=value, …] resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

  7. Verify that the SMF failover application resource has been added and validated.

    # clresource show resource
  8. Bring the failover resource group online.

    # clresourcegroup online -M +

Example 2–46 Registering an SMF Proxy Failover Resource Type

The following example registers the SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover resource type.

# clresourcetype register SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover
# clresourcetype show SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover

Resource Type:              SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover
RT_description:             Resource type for proxying failover SMF services 
RT_version:                 3.2
API_version:                6
RT_basedir:                 /opt/SUNWscsmf/bin
Single_instance:            False
Proxy:                      False
Init_nodes:                 All potential masters
Installed_nodes:            <All>
Failover:                   True
Pkglist:                    SUNWscsmf 
RT_system:                  False
Global_zone:			       False

Example 2–47 Adding an SMF Proxy Failover Application Resource to a Resource Group

This example shows the addition of a proxy resource type, SUN.Proxy_SMF_failover to a resource group resource-group-1.

# clresource create -g resource-group-1 -t SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover
-x proxied_service_instances=/var/tmp/svslist.txt resource-1
# clresource show resource-1

=== Resources ===

  Resource:                                  resource-1
  Type:                                      SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover
  Type_version:                              3.2 
  Group:                                     resource-group-1
  Resource_project_name:                     default
  Enabled{phats1}:                           True 
  Monitored{phats1}:                         True